Kevin Costner's Estranged Wife Agrees to Move Out of Home If He 'Complies' With Child Support

Costner also responded to Christine's request for $248,000 per month in child support.

Kevin Costner's estranged wife has filed new documents in court claiming she'll move out of their $145 million beachfront compound in Carpinteria, California, provided that he agrees to her child support request.

Christine Baumgartner filed the legal documents Wednesday morning in the Superior Court of California in Santa Barbara County. In those documents, obtained by ET, Christine claims the former couple's three children -- son Cayden, 13, son Hayes, 14, and daughter Grace, 13 -- have been in her care since the end of March as "Kevin has been working in another state."

She goes on to claim that the Yellowstone star "has admitted that the children will continue to be in her care for at least half the time in the future." For this reason, the court documents state that "by seeking to evict Christine, Kevin, as a practical matter, also seeks to evict the children, given that Christine's new home will also be the children's new home more than 50% of the time."

With that being said, Christine has agreed to move out by Aug. 31 but that will require "major undertaking and can only be accomplished with careful planning." Translation: she needs the means to find a new home if Costner so badly wants her out of their home.

But Christine says she "cannot effectively plan her move until" the child support issue has been resolved. Remember, she has requested $248,000 per month in child support. A court hearing on the matter has been set for July 12.

"Assuming that Kevin complies with whatever support and fee orders that the Court makes on July 12th, Christine will voluntarily commit to moving out of the house no later than the end of the day on August 31, 2023," the court documents state. "This will give her 50 days to locate and move to a new residence. Given the state of the rental market in Santa Barbara, this is an expeditious but reasonable time frame."

Christine, who also previously insisted she did not pressure Costner to leave Yellowstone, goes on to say that there's no reason why Costner should object to this request. For starters, she claims it's her understanding Costner won't return to the home until July 7, before leaving for Canada on July 9 until July 13. What's more, she states the Beach Club compound "has three separate and fully equipped residences and has ample room for both parties to reside with the children through the end of August."

She also says Costner and his editing team will be spending time in one of the secondary residences -- where his office is located -- doing editing work.

"Due to the large size of the Beach Club Compound, it is quite possible for the parties to both reside on the property temporarily until August while having very little contact with each other," the court documents state. "Rather than reasonably agreeing to jointly occupy this expansive living space for a brief period, Kevin is requesting that the Court immediately evict Christine and the parties’ three children, thereby demonstrating complete disregard for the children’s financial and emotional needs as the parties navigate this significant transition."

Furthermore, Christine claims she and Costner are "capable" of "cohabitating" in a civil manner when he stays at the beach compound, like "when he previously was in town for a weekend in May" and "it went well." She claims they had "daily interactions both about the weekend plans and their divorce." She claims Costner's lawyer confirmed that the weekend was "civil and peaceful."

This is also the same compound where a former tenant denied having an intimate relationship with Christine. As for his claim that he's maintained the "status quo" amid the divorce, she claims Costner canceled one of her credit cards and reduced her credit limit on her second credit card far below the status quo levels, "all without advanced notice to her."

As for Costner's claim that she signed a premarital agreement when they tied the knot in 2004 -- stating she agreed to move out within 30 days of filing for divorce (which she did on May 1) -- the court documents state that, at the time of the execution nearly two decades ago, "there were no minor children to care for and whatever needs they may have upon the parties’ potential dissolution were not contemplated."

The court documents add, "Even though there has been no determination that the premarital agreement is enforceable, Christine has still been making considerable efforts since the parties’ separation to locate a new residence that would be suitable for herself and the parties’ three (3) children. Christine certainly did not expect that Kevin would respond to her efforts by seeking to immediately force her and the children out of the family home, even before a child support order was in place."

As for Costner, the 68-year-old actor filed his own legal documents, also obtained by ET, in which he responds to Christine's $248,000 per month child support request by saying it's an outrageous figure for a myriad of reasons.

In the documents, Cosnter says Christine’s list of the children’s "needs" for purposes of child support is "inflated and grossly inaccurate." He claims Christine is "fundamentally dishonest as to certain items included in her calculation of the children’s 'reasonable' needs, such as private school tuition for two of the children (failing to mention that only Grace will continue private school), and her own personal, non-child related expenses, such as extensive plastic surgery for herself in 2022."

Christine had previously noted in court that she hired a certified public accountant to perform a forensic analysis of Costner's "gross cash flow available for child support." She had submitted the family's income and expense report for 2022 and determined that "the amount needed to maintain the children’s current lifestyle is $332,264 per month, which is 60% of what our family spent" but would settle for $248,000 per month.

Costner scoffed at those figures, claiming that many of those expenses reported by Christine "have no basis in reality and are quite misleading." Costner notes, for example, that Christine "allocates 60% of expenses such as private trainer, unallocated credit card expenses, and her plastic surgery to the minor children without any explanation or basis."

"The children do not use the services of private trainers, only Christine does," Costner continues in court documents. "The plastic surgery expenses of $188,500/month belong to Christine – not the children. And Christine should know which credit card expenses were for her and which were for the children, but not even a minimal effort is made to allocate them accurately."

Costner says he's willing to pay $51,940 per month in child support, an amount he says takes into consideration his "station in life and ability to pay." He'll also fork over "100% of the children’s health insurance costs, the youngest child, Grace’s, private school tuition, the minor children’s extracurricular expenses, the hunting club fees, the expenses related to Cayden’s car and all expenses related to it."