Demi Lovato Expresses Gratitude for the Effort Made to Remember Their Gender Pronouns

In honor of Non-Binary Awareness Week, Lovato took to Instagram to share gratitude.

Demi Lovato is thanking their fans and the public for their effort to remember their gender pronouns. In honor of Non-Binary Awareness Week, Lovato took to Instagram express their gratitude for those trying to remember their pronouns and gave a pass to those misgendering them, in what they said can be a "confusing" change.

"I felt the need to post this because I often find that the change in pronouns can be confusing for some, and difficult to remember for others. It’s all about your intention. It’s important to me that you try, but if you make a mistake, it’s okay 😊🙏🏼💞 remember that I love you, and to keep going 🤟🏼☮️💗 #nonbinaryawarenessweek," they captioned the explainer.

The post read: "If you misgender - That's okay. I accidentally misgender myself sometimes! It's a huge transition to change the pronouns I've used for myself my entire life. And it's difficult to remember sometimes!"

"As long as you keep trying to respect my truth, and as long as I remember my truth, the shift will come naturally," they continued. "I'm just grateful for your effort in trying to remember what means so much to my healing process."

In May, the Dancing With The Devil singer came out as non-binary, announcing that they were changing their pronouns to they/them. Lovato made the announcement during an episode of their new podcast, 4D With Demi Lovato.

"I want to take this moment to share something very personal with you," Lovato said at the opening of the episode. "Over the past year and a half I've been doing some healing and self-reflective work, and through this work, I've had the revelation that I identify as non-binary."

Lovato went on to share a change in pronouns, adding, "With that said, I'll officially be changing my pronouns to they/them. I feel that this best represents the fluidity I feel in my gender expression and allows me to feel most authentic and true to the person I both know I am and am still discovering." 

They also said, "I will also be accepting if people slip and say 'her/she' because I know that being in my position, it's going to take a while for people to get used to." 

For more on the singer's decision to come out as non-binary, watch the video below.