Zach and Tori Roloff Talk Possibly Homeschooling Their Three Kids

Zach Roloff and Tori Roloff discuss the idea of educating their three kids at home.

Tori and Zach Roloff are opening up about the possibility of changing their children's education structure!

On the latest episode of the couple's Raising Heights podcast, released on Thursday, the former Little People, Big World stars discuss the idea of homeschooling their children, Jackson, 7, Lilah, 4, and Josiah, 2. 

"Take every year as it comes," Tori says to the fan question asking if they would be open to taking their kids out of the traditional school system. "I feel like every child is different. Every year is different."

"I like what it does for our kids," Zach adds. 

Tori Roloff, Zach Roloff
Tori Roloff and Zach Roloff talk the possibility of home schooling their three kids. - TLC

Tori, 33, taught kindergarten before she transitioned to being a stay-at-home mom full-time. When asked if she would make her return to the classroom, she's not sure.

"Never say never," she says to the idea. "I think in today's climate, no, I would not go back to public school at least. However, I feel like I get the best of both worlds right now because I am a stay-at-home mom and I get to volunteer and sub at my kids' school which is like awesome."  

She adds, "I think once all of our kids are in school, I can't sit at home." 

Tori went on to explain that she "loved" the part of her job that involved being with the children and did not like the rigorous testing schedule that started as young as kindergarten. The former reality TV star says that teaching in the public school system changed the perception of what she wants her children to take from their education experience. 

"It was hard, it's hard when you're constantly testing, they're five," she says. "I'm talking about the rigor of school in general. Now that I'm a mom, and have my kids, I just wanted them to to be good people. I want them to show up to school, learn how to be in a social situation and I don't want to test them every other day, that was very difficult for me."

While Josiah and Lilah are too young for formal school settings, Zach and Tori shared that Jackson is very social at school.

In April, Tori and Zach officially exited Little People, Big World, after 25 seasons. Since then, the pair has been busy celebrating personal milestones with their children. Earlier this month, Zach and Tori celebrated Josiah's 2nd birthday.

For more on Tori and Zach's family, click below.