KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart, Cole Sprouse and Camila Mendes are sharing thoughts about life after Riverdale High, college plans & more!
It's time to start thinking about the future of Riverdale.
Fans will be saying goodbye (for now!) to Archie, Veronica, Jughead, Betty and the rest of our small town favorites as the show's last episode of 2019 will air on Wednesday night.
Now that we're nearly halfway through season four of the hit CW drama -- and our beloved characters are now high school seniors -- we're curious to know what's going to happen if (or more likely when) Riverdale is renewed for a fifth season.
Will Archie stay in Riverdale to continue working at the El Royale community center? Is Veronica going to Yale? Where will Betty end up? And is Jughead even going to survive his senior year?
We know you have so many questions, and only ET has the exclusive answers!
When we visited Riverdale's set in Vancouver, Canada, in August, we asked KJ Apa, Cole Sprouse, Lili Reinhart and Camila Mendes to answer the exact same question: "Now that our characters are in their senior year, how much longer do you think Riverdale will continue?"
And here's what the "core four" had to say...
KJ Apa (Archie Andrews)

"As long as the fans keep watching," he said. "I mean, the show's not called Riverdale High -- it's called Riverdale. So you never know what can happen afterwards."
Apa jokingly added, "Maybe Archie will get held back a year."
Cole Sprouse (Jughead Jones)

"I think I've been a senior three times: Once in real life and twice on television," Sprouse said with his signature smirk. "I think one of the initial questions for the abstract of the show was, 'Are we going to age over time?'"
"And you know, naturally, as we grow older and we look older, we had to solve that problem, so it's nice that we're aging," he explained. "And it also kinda frees up the universe a little bit inside Riverdale to play around with that concept. I'm excited to see where we all go."
Lili Reinhart (Betty Cooper)

"That's a great question, I don't know! I mean, this is senior year. When season four wraps, I'm pretty sure the kids will have graduated, so as far as where it goes from here, I don't know," the 23-year-old actress shared. 'I think there's opportunities for the kids to leave Riverdale, but there's also opportunities for them to stay and I think there's a lot of unfinished business for a lot of them."
"It seems like they might all feel the need to stay and take care of things with their family or their businesses. You know, obviously, Veronica has, like, 12 businesses that she's running," Reinhart continued thoughtfully. "I think Betty probably wants to stay close to her mom, at least for a little while. They've got some stuff to figure out. I feel like they're all gonna take a break year -- a gap year -- and just chill for a minute."
Camila Mendes (Veronica Lodge)

"I don't want the kids to be in high school forever," she answered honestly. "I think Riverdale is very much a show about the cycle of life, and things growing up, and all of that. So I think it'd be really cool to see them go off to college and grow up and see what they make out of their lives."
"And maybe the show ends with someone having a kid. You know, who knows? I'm just pitching things. I'm just hoping our showrunner will... " Mendes trailed off with a laugh. "I get the craziest fan fiction."
Season four of Riverdale returns on Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 8 p.m. EST/PST on The CW.
What do you think is going to happen after senior year on Riverdale? Share your theories with @LeanneAguilera on Twitter and don't miss this week's episode of Sweetwater Secrets on Thursday, Dec. 12 at 1:20 p.m. EST / 10:30 a.m. PST on ETLive.com!