'WCTH' Boss Weighs In on Season 10 Finale: Lucas and Elizabeth's Split, Possible Nathan Romance (Exclusive)

'WCTH' showrunner Lindsay Sturman spills to ET on that shocking season 10 finale, and what hearties can expect in season 11.

WARNING: Spoilers ahead! Do not proceed if you haven’t watched Sunday’s season 10 finale of When Calls the Heart!

Elizabeth Thornton's had a change of heart -- and is Lucas in danger?!

Season 10 of When Calls the Heart proved to be a rollercoaster, just as series star and co-executive producer Erin Krakow promised. In episode 11, the beloved school teacher was in tears as she came to terms with her true feelings, and respectfully broke off her engagement to Lucas just as they were set to hit the campaign trail in Capital City. Then, during Sunday’s season 10 finale, Lucas was elected governor but found himself in a bit of danger when an unknown figure unexpectedly approached him. Word travels fast, and just as it appeared Elizabeth and Nathan were about to connect, they were interrupted by Bill, who urgently called upon them to aid Lucas. So - much - drama!

ET spoke exclusively with WCTH showrunner and executive producer Lindsay Sturman via e-mail, who dished on everything from Lucas and Elizabeth growing in separation directions, to the possibility of a romance blossoming with Nathan in season 11. Plus, more on Bill's love life, Rosemary and Lee's next chapter as parents, Hickam and Mei Sou finally admitting feelings for one another and much more about what's next for our favorite friends in Hope Valley.

ET: We just watched the season 10 finale of When Calls the Heart and it was packed with major moments! Let’s start with the final moments of the episode: Bill wrangles Elizabeth and Nathan for help because something has happened to Lucas. What happened? Who flashed their car lights at him? Is the new governor OK?
Lindsay Sturman: We can assure everyone that Lucas is back for season 11. He’s a huge part of Hope Valley and always will be. But there’s definitely a cliffhanger and a few mysteries packed in there, and it will all be revealed next season.  

Nathan, Elizabeth
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Before Bill came rushing in, it seemed like Nathan and Elizabeth were going to admit feelings for one another. After a lot of back and forth in episodes 11 and 12, are these two giving romance a go? What does their next chapter look like?

They are friends, and good friends have frank talks with each other. Additionally, Elizabeth is still processing everything that happened with her engagement, which was an echo of processing all the loss that followed her first wedding. Elizabeth and Nathan have each found their way back to that spot, which hearties know is significant from their past. They’re confused, and in a stew of emotion, but when Bill comes rushing in, all of their energy is focused on Lucas.  

Lucas, Elizabeth
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Ultimately, why did Lucas and Elizabeth’s engagement not work out?

Everything we saw was real. The love between Elizabeth and Lucas was always real and authentic. But as the wedding drew closer, Elizabeth started to face down what this momentous step would mean for her, and as the threat to Hope Valley became more and more real, what it would mean for Little Jack? All this is happening as Hope Valley is in peril and the world is crashing down around Lucas, Elizabeth and the rest of the town, forcing Lucas to step up to save the town. Elizabeth always knew deep down that Lucas had the capacity to be a hero, even before he saw it in himself. Their paths start to diverge as he is forced to step up onto a bigger stage to save Hope Valley, and Elizabeth realizes that the life she wants is very different. Her whole world has been, and perhaps always will be, Hope Valley.
If Nathan and Elizabeth pursue a romance in season 11, how does that impact their individual relationships with Lucas?

Whether or not that happens in the future is hard to tell at this point, and would be in spoiler land. But no matter what, their friendship now means more to them than they ever realized.

If Lucas isn’t with Elizabeth, and he’s the newly elected governor in Capital City, does he move away, or can he remain in Hope Valley?

All we can say is Lucas is a huge part of season 11. 
There’s a very heartfelt scene where Elizabeth visits Jack’s gravesite. She says both she and Lucas deserve to find a great love. Will either of them find that “great love” in season 11? Will we see the journey towards it?

When Calls the Heart will always be a romance, but nothing is for sure. 

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Henry Gowen works up the courage to finally visit Abigail. How will that moment inspire Henry’s love life moving forward?

Henry is a complicated character. Maybe one of the most complicated in Hope Valley (and on TV). His search for redemption and peace is leading him to a better place, and everything else remains to be seen. For him, Abigail was the first to forgive him, and there has been a spiritual connection he has felt with her ever since. 

Bill, Madeline
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Many were optimistic this season that Bill finally found love – but that ultimately ended in disappointment. Will Bill have better luck with romance in season 11?

Bill and Madeline had a unique connection, and Bill will forge new and unexpected connections in season 11.  

Rosemary, Lee, Goldie
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Watching Lee and Rosemary become parents this season was a true joy. Now that little Goldie has been baptized, what other milestone moments can we look forward to?

Lots! For hearties who hate spoilers, feel free to stop reading. For those who don’t mind spoilers, Goldie’s first steps and her first birthday might come up. 

Joseph, Minnie
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Joseph spoke beautifully, as always, at Goldie’s baptism – really speaking from the heart. How will his ministry and Minnie’s dedication to the café and community dinners evolve into season 11? 

Joseph and Minnie will continue to offer support and comfort to all – while being tested by a challenging situation within their own extended family.  

Hickam, Mei Sou
Crown Media

Hickam and Mei Sou finally admitted feelings for one another and looked so happy dancing together. Will we see more of their courtship in season 11? Are they on a fast track to love?

All I can say is… stay tuned for season 11!  


Fiona, Mei, Faith
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We’re still thinking about our other favorite roomies: Faith and Fiona! Will they remain career-focused in season 11, or will romance knock on their doors? 

There are lots of surprises ahead for both Faith and Fiona. They will each find new, unexpected passions.
The Hearties are such a dedicated and passionate fanbase. For any Hearties who may be in their feelings about Elizabeth’s journey to romance, what’s your message?

We know the last few episodes were tough for some fans, and we are grateful for the kind messages the Hearties are sharing with each other, and the thoughtful and insightful conversations they have sparked. Elizabeth has always followed her heart, even when it isn’t easy. She’s learning to overcome old fears and open her heart to new possibilities. Hearties wouldn’t let us know their feelings, whether for or against any of our storytelling, if they didn’t care so much about Hope Valley. Very few television shows ever experience that much passion, and we will be forever grateful for it and the Hearties.