Jimmy Fallon strikes comedy gold yet again with this hilarious mash-up video.
Brian Williams has a lot of different skills. He's a brilliant news anchor with a mastery of gravitas, he's shown his comedic timing on shows like 30 Rock and The Colbert Report and he can also rap?
Well, not quite. This comedy mash-up masterpiece of Brian Williams rapping Sir Mix a Lot's 1986 classic Baby Got Back is actually the work of Jimmy Fallon, who used the brilliantly edited short to open his show Monday, which kicked off his week of shooting The Tonight Show in Orlando, Florida.
WATCH: Top 5 Favorite Jimmy Fallon Lip-Sync Battles
It's amazing to see how well-spliced this mash-up truly is, and it's mind-boggling to imagine how long it must have taken.
Two months ago, Fallon released another Brian William rap video, in which the NBC News anchor appeared to be performing a stoic rendition of Snoop Dogg's Gin and Juice.
Check out both hilarious videos, below.