'Parenthood' Exclusive: Ryber's Wrestling Match


'Parenthood' Exclusive: Ryber's Wrestling Match

Last week's Parenthood concluded with Ryan's tear-inducing proposal to Amber, and in Thursday's all-new episode their pre-martial bliss continues ... for a hot minute since it's tough to get a moment of privacy in The Braverman family.

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ETonline scored an exclusive clip from this week's episode, titled Nipple Confusion, where Max happens upon Ryan and Amber as they're doing a little, um, "wrestling" in her car.

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But don't let this moment of levity fool you, the drama hammer is quickly swinging down on Ryber as Sarah isn't instantly on board with her daughter getting married at such a young age. "This is what I find interesting," executive producer Jason Katims told ETonline of Ryan and Amber's storyline this season. "Here's a wonderful young man who served our country and is a hero, but Sarah knows that he's also had some issues that are very real. Plus, Sarah got married when she was very young to someone she was madly in love with and look how that turned out. The failure of that has informed so much of Sarah's life, so I'm excited to see Lauren strike the balance between knowing Amber's an adult now, but thinking 'she's still my daughter and I don't care if she hates me, I'm going to speak my mind.' That's what excites me."

airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. on NBC.