T.J. Miller Says Ryan Reynolds Reached Out to Him After 'Deadpool' Comments

T.J. Miller and Ryan Reynolds
Cindy Ord/Getty Images/Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

The actor previously claimed that the 'Deadpool' star doesn't like him.

T.J. Miller has settled his beef with Ryan Reynolds. During an appearance on SiriusXM's Jim Norton & Sam Roberts, the controversial actor said that his Deadpool co-star reached out to him after he claimed that Reynolds did not like him. ET previously reached out to Reynolds for comment.

"It was really cool. He emailed me the next day... It was a misunderstanding. So I emailed him back and now it's, like, fine," Miller said. "...  It was very cool for him to say, 'Hey, I just heard on the show that you were upset about this.' And I kind of said, 'You know, I'm not,' and then we sort of just hashed it out really quickly."

The drama started when, during an appearance on The Adam Carolla Show, Miller, who played blunt bartender Weasel in the franchise's first two films, claimed that Reynolds was "horrifically mean" to him on set.

"As the character, he was, like, horrifically mean to me. But to me. As if I'm Weasel," Miller alleged. "He was like, 'You know what's great about you, Weasel? You're not the star, but you do just enough exposition that it's funny, and then we can leave and get back to the real movie.'"

Miller also claimed that Reynolds requested another take to belittle him in front of the cast and crew, and said that he likely wouldn't work with the actor again in the future.

"I don't wish them any ill will. I think [Reynolds] should make a Deadpool 3 and continue to make movies," Miller, who revealed that he would not return to the franchise, said. "I just think he doesn't like me, and I thought it was weird how he expressed that."

During his radio appearance, Miller explained why he decided to discuss the situation with Reynolds in the first place.

"What's ridiculous is it was just me telling a story from on set that I thought was weird. That was it. But I just wasn't thinking about how the media will immediately [run with that]," he said. "That's a big problem I have in general, is kind of not thinking about what the repercussions of saying this or that would be."

"I told the story because it was weird and funny to me, and then it gets picked up... I didn't think that I had said anything that was that negative. I feel bad that it was picked up and it was misconstrued for sure," Miller added. "... I just have a thing where I just kind of think, 'OK, let's talk about this.' And then it's quickly misconstrued and then you're kind of in all of this hot water."

Miller also said that he didn't believe he was "saying anything negative" by telling the story, and pointed out that he had praised Reynolds during the initial interview too, calling his former co-star "such a good comedian."

"I wasn't saying anything negative. He is so funny, which I always maintained, and he's so amazing in those movies. That was kind of it, you know?" Miller said. "It's so funny. I said all these complimentary things and none of that shows up… That's really a bummer. He was really cool about it. He's a good dude."

Deadpool 3 is currently in production and slated for a September 2024 release. Reynolds has said little about the upcoming film outside of a major announcement last month, in which he revealed that Hugh Jackman will be joining the cast and reprising the role of his X-Men character, Wolverine. 



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