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The Voice's season 19 finals are almost here!
After Monday's incredible performances, Tuesday's live show featured the reveal of this season's Top 5 competitors -- the top vote-getter from each team, plus the winner of the Instant Save. Coaches Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani, Kelly Clarkson and John Legend are done sending their team members home -- viewer voting determines which of the singers will move on to the finals and compete for the season 19 crown.
Fans can vote for their favorite singers in next week's finale by using The Voice's official app, or on And, for the first time this season, host Carson Daly explained, you can also vote using Google Assistant on your phone or Nest device: Just say "Hey Google, vote for The Voice."
Here's who made the Top 5!
John Holiday
Jim Ranger
Carter Rubin
Performing in the Instant Save: Cami Clune, Tamara Jade, Bailey Rae, Ian Flanigan, Ben Allen
And the winner is... Ian Flanigan!
Tune in next week to watch the Top 5 compete for the season 19 crown! The Voice airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 8pm PT/ET on NBC.