Evolvetogether's breathable and disposable masks have been seen on Ariana Grande, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jennifer Garner and more stars.
With the ongoing pandemic and the continuing evolution of Omicron subvariants, celeb-loved brand Evolvetogether restocked its KN95 face masks. N95, KN95 and KF94 masks continue to be the best face masks for protection from coronavirus and slowing the spread as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. KN95s and NIOSH-approved N95 styles have proven to be a go-to fit for many celebs — especially the styles from Evolvetogether.
One of Evolvetogether's KN95 face masks in particular, the Mojave Brown KN95s, is so popular that it sold out within an hour of being launched. The masks are officially back in stock now, so be sure to stock up on the comfortable face coverings before they're gone. Elvolvetogether KN95s have a protective six-ply technology and a double filtration design with no-tug ear loops and hypoallergenic materials that offer added protection.
Evolvetogether Mojave KN95 Mask, 5-Pack
After months of being out of stock, the popular KN95 face masks are back for the winter season.
Everyone from Angelina Jolie and Ariana Grande, to Sarah Jessica Parker, Kristen Stewart, Bella Hadid and Jennifer Garner have been spotted in Evolvetogether masks, including the KN95 styles. These stylish, celeb-loved face masks are available in multiple colors. And since protective masks have proven to be the accessory of the moment, shop the face masks loved by Hollywood's biggest stars below.
Jennifer Garner
The actress was spotted out and about in Los Angeles, rocking the now back-in-stock KN95 black mask.
Bella Hadid
The model has been seen in multiple versions of the brand's everyday masks. Get the 30-pack or 7-pack.
Sarah Jessica Parker
While spotted filming on the set of And Just Like That, Sarah Jessica Parker wore the same classic black Evolvetogether KN95 face mask as Garner's.
Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande has been seen in Evolvetogether's celeb-loved face masks on a number of occasions.
Angelina Jolie
Jolie stuck to her classically elegant style with this white mask from Evolvetogether -- which is made for "crowded indoor spaces, increased air pollution, and intense allergies," according to to the retailer.