'The Bachelorette': Tayshia Feels Like She 'Could Marry' the Man on Her First One-on-One

Tayshia's journey is finally here!

Tayshia Adams, we're ready for you! After stepping in for Clare Clawley on last week's episode of The Bachelorette, it's officially Tayshia's time to shine. 

With Clare engaged to the man of her dreams ahead of schedule, Tayshia has taken the reigns. She met the men for the first time on Tuesday night's episode of the ABC dating show -- all 16 of them... plus a few extras. 

"There's some new faces and it's going to get really juicy the second that happens," Tayshia told ET on Monday, confirming that new suitors will be added to the mix. "Just wait and see."

The Orange County native also revealed that she fell in love with multiple men this season -- and seems to be off to a good start. After having her first one-on-one date with Brendan, she told the camera she feels like she "could marry" him.

Also this episode, one contestant, Jason, left the show, explaining he had fallen in love with Clare and just couldn't stick around for Tayshia. Clare, meanwhile, returned with Dale to get grilled by Chris Harrison. They insisted they didn't talk before filming, Dale awkwardly glossed over Clare's desire for babies, and she wished Tayshia the very best. 

Are we in for another Clare repeat? Only time will tell. ET was live blogging Tuesday night's episode -- scroll down for minute-by-minute updates. 

Next Week!

Next week -- the journey continues! 

Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon are here to lead the group through a date, the men get violent, the medic needs to be called and WHAT IS HAPPENING? 

A guy calls Tayshia a "smokeshow" and gets called out for it, there's a lot of tension, and we can't wait to see all of it!


The night is not over (again, way longer than any of Clare's dates), and Tayshia takes Brendan outside for a surprise. 

He's already on cloud nine, but then FIREWORKS!

Tayshia and Brendan kiss, and it's WONDERFUL! 

"Kissing Brendan feels like I'm kissing my person. I feel really connected to him," Tayshia says. "I feel like I could marry him, which is so bizarre. I don't even think I've felt this way ever." 

Uh oh, do we have another Clare on our hands? 

A Rose for Brendan

Tayshia says it's nice to connect with Brendan because she felt like she was "dying" during her divorce. 

Now, she and Brendan are on the same page -- even about kids. She tells him she wants five, he's down with it, and she gives him the rose. 


Tayshia tells Brendan she can relate to him, because she married early, to a man she met in college. Unlike him, there was infidelity involved -- "not on my part," she says. 

"We can really relate on that level. Not that I'm glad you went through that," he says. "But I can breathe a little bit." 

Tayshia says she was nervous to tell him, and this is cute. They are relating on something serious and seem to really be connecting. 

"Cheers to being exactly where we should be," he says. 

Time for the Story

Brendan tells Tayshia he thinks he's well rounded, and true husband material. 

"OK, so... I was wondering how you got here," Tayshia says. "What's your story?" 

Time for Brendan to open up. "I do have a little baggage," he admits, before telling Tayshia about how he got married in his early 20s to his high school sweetheart. "There was no cheating, there was no abuse... I didn't really know who I was without her, and she didn't know who she was without me." 

Brendan says they went to counseling, and it was tough. His family couldn't comprehend how they could split "over nothing." Brendan says he would have stuck it out, but his ex decided she didn't want kids, and he really does. 


Time for dinner, aka Brendan's opportunity to open up. He calls it "one of the best days I've had in a long, long time," and we think that includes COVID. 

Tonight, he wants to tell her about his divorce. "Not everyone wants to be with someone who's already been married," he tells the camera. But little does he know, Tayshia has also been divorced. 

The Moment Is Here

All of the sudden, there's a pool. Brendan and Tayshia are in it, and the moment is right, and he kisses her! 

"Brendan is everything!" Tayshia gushes. "Tonight, I want to know why he is still single, so we'll see how the rest of the night goes." 

The Famous Harrison Margarita

Unfortunately for Brendan, that time is not now. Chris is here to offer them the "famous Harrison margarita." 

And then he runs around to another spot to offer them ice cream. Then, coconuts. 

"He needs to kind of give me some space, and let me do my thing," Brendan says. 

Right Moment

Brendan hilariously suggests he get on the back of Tayshia's horse, before she instructs him to get on his own horse. 

They chit chat while walking through La Quinta on horseback, and again, this man tells Tayshia she's totally his style. 

"That makes me feel so good," she gushes. 

Brendan is planning to kiss her -- but he's waiting for the right moment. 

Giddy Up!

Canadian Blake remarks on how weird it is that Jason is gone. Are you not here to be the last man standing? This moping around is so weird. 

Today, Tayshia has her first one-on-one with Brendan, and she wants reassurance that he's there completely for her. 

With that, she arrives at the villa to pick Brendan up -- with a horse! 

Second Choice

Tayshia's worried about being the "second choice." She's felt that way in the past, and never wants to feel it again. 


Tayshia admits that men still having feelings for Clare was "one of my fears" when she agreed to take over her season. "Knowing that Clare was previously with all of you, and I didn't know if you all were going to be invested in a relationship with her when I came. So, this makes me sad that this is exactly what I was fearing," she tells Jason. 

"Those 19 guys don't feel what I have," he assures her. "They're here for you. You're in good hands with one of those guys. So, I'm really sorry I can't be here for you. It sucks. This is really hard."

"I'm going to wish you the very best," Tayshia says as Jason gives her a "good luck."

"That was a man who was working through his emotions. I was not expecting that at all. I'm being a little selfish, but I feel like he could have been a really good guy to get to know," she tells the camera. "It really sucks, to be honest. And it kind of makes me a little bit worried about the other guys." 

Breaking the News

Jason arrives at Tayshia's door to break the news. 

"Sorry to barge in," he says. 

"It was so refreshing to have you come in the other night and I'm really happy you're here, but I took this journey not knowing what to expect. I let my walls down, and I think I fell in love with Clare. And unfortunately, she chose somebody else, and my feelings for her were real. And you deserve someone amazing, you deserve someone who is all in, and unfortunately, I can't do this anymore," he continues.

"Well, No. 1, I want to thank you for coming over and saying all that," Tayshia replies. "But I just don't want you to close off on other things because it didn't work out with her. Because you could be passing up something else that's great."

"I just feel like in may heart right now, I can't give that," Jason shares.

Jason Fell in Love With Clare? REALLY?

Tayshia talks to the camera about how good it feels that all the guys are here for her. 

Time for Jason to freak out. "I love you guys. I came here not knowing what to expect. This journey led me down to feelings for a girl, and I think I fell in love with Clare," Jason tells the other men. "It's not respectful for me to be here anymore." 

We smell a breakup. 

Just Us?

It is commercial break now but we just have to say -- was that date longer than all of Clare's combined? Just us? 

Mean Girls Moment

Tayshia asks Spencer about him and Riley getting into it in the pool, and Spencer says there's "mixed feelings" after Tayshia gave him the first impression rose. 

"But I don't care," he says. He gives Tayshia a "side kiss" because his lip is still busted from the elbow in the pool. He feels like he has this "in the bag." 

Back at the group, Tayshia picks up the group date rose, thanking Spencer for fighting for her, Zac for opening up, and Eazy for getting vulnerable. Is this a Mean Girls moment? It is not. Eazy gets the rose. 

Lunch Meat

Spencer is popping off at the date, and finally Kenny tells him he comes off like a d**k. Spencer says he had "no idea." 

"You were stirring it a little bit," Zac interjects. 

"Tayshia is the primary objective," Spencer tries to explain. 

Riley is ready to DESTROY Spencer. "I see guys like you every day... when we come across guys like you, we call you lunch meat," he tells him. "If you want to f**k with me, we can go." 

Be a Man

Next up is Zac, who opens up to Tayshia about why he's still single at 36. He says he just hasn't "found it." 

Tayshia says she's surrounded by boys, and she doesn't want to teach someone how to "be a man." Was that a John Paul Jones diss? 

She and Zac connect, they kiss, and she's loving it. "He's like, a pleasant surprise. He just feels like a man to me," Tayshia tells the camera. 

Clare Kool-Aid?

We don't get to see any of the barbecue, but sounds like it wasn't that eventful. 

Straight to the night portion of the date -- and Eazy feels like he and Tayshia have a real connection. 

"I feel like you make me giddy," he tells Tayshia as they head off to talk. She praises his infectious energy, and says she "digs it." 

"You had me completely... I feel like I just met my wife," Eazy says. Has he been drinking the Clare Kool-aid?

"I appreciate that," Tayshia says. 

Jason Is Disturbed

Jason looks disturbed by the current situation, and opens up about his conflicting thoughts about staying after Clare left. "I have feelings for Clare... I'm hanging on by a piece of floss," he admits. 

"I don't know how much I have left," says Jason, who had one one-on-one with Clare. (But I guess we can't knock him too much since that's all Clare had with Dale before they got engaged.) 

The one-on-one goes to Brendan, who is HYPED. 


The men get HEATED fighting for Tayshia's heart -- so much so that Riley elbows Spencer in the face. 

Spencer gets bloody -- but it gives him one-on-one time with Tayshia, who goes to check if he's OK. The game continues, and the Blue Team (including Spencer) wins. 

The Blue Team gets a barbecue with Tayshia, and the Green Team gets sent home... for now. They'll be back for the after-party at the end of the night. 

Uh Oh

It's a pool day, and Tayshia emerges from the water like the goddess she is. The men are going gaga over Tayshia, fighting for attention, and honestly this is a lot of bodies in the pool. 

Luckily Chris is here to break it all up. "I feel like we can kick this up a notch, a little competition," he says. Uh oh, last time we did this it turned into strip dodgeball. 

This time, it's only splashball. Thank the Lord. Strike that -- Speedos are involved. 

First Date!

It's a new DAAAAAY. Tayshia is journaling, and Chris arrives in the villa to deliver the first date card. 

"Tayshia arriving last night was a fresh start," he says. 

"She has an incredible energy," Bennett says, while Ivan says Tayshia "gave me life." 

Everyone's getting a date this week -- and the first one's about to start. 


"I love her with every ounce of my being, and what's most exciting is what we have coming up!" Dale says. 

Chris asks what's up next, and Clare yells "babies!" which Dale awkwardly ignores. 

He wants to get married first, and Clare concedes that they do have to get to know each other more and more. 

Chris ends this segment (FINALLY) by asking whether another engagement is on the way for Tayshia. 

Let's see it, pls!!


Chris notes how extraordinary this season has been -- and how it gave Clare access to see her contestants' social media. 

"Dale was the one being a strong man, but being open and vulnerable," she says. Clare admits it was fast, but says she knows what she's looking for. "I've done nothing but respect this entire process." 

"Well, you blew it up a little," Chris says. 

Clare agrees, but says she followed her heart. "How he makes me feel is like sunbeams out of my heart... I know it sounds so stupid, but I feel it in my heart," she gushes. 

The Truth

Clare says the speculation that she and Dale spoke before filming "hurts me." "I just wish people could be happy for us," she shares. 

Chris asks the pair once and for all, "Did you lie to Bachelor Nation?"

"100 percent no," Clare says, swearing on her dad's grave that she never contacted Dale before filming. "And that is one of the most beautiful things." 

"It was after we got engaged that he was like, 'Can I get your number?'" she remembers. 

Bring It On!

Clare is now sniffling, emotional about her ending. "This is everything my dad has wanted for me," she tells Chris of her late father. "I've made sure I'm OK this far, but now I have this man to be there alongside me, to ensure that even if I am not OK, he's there to back me up." 

"I know he's proud and would be so over the moon for this," she adds. 

Chris tells Clare and Dale he's happy for them -- but they've got to address Bachelor Nation's questions about their relationship. 

"Bring it on!" Clare says. 

Show Up For Me!

Dale emerges, and tells Chris "it's a lot to take in." 

Clare told him she knew it was him from the get-go, and apparently Dale felt the same way. He says he was concerned Clare wouldn't like him, but after their first meeting, he knew he would stick around. 

"Throughout this entire process, Clare and I were saying the same thing, without knowing it," Dale tells Chris. "We love each other." 

Dale is KIND OF more convincing about him being on the same page with Clare than he was last week. 

Clare is 100 percent SURE Dale will always show up for her, and gets teary thinking about how anxious she was pacing around the pool. He took her hand and paced with her. "That's all I've ever wanted, is a man to show up for me," she said. "Show up for me!" 


Clare arrives, and Chris asks to see her ring like he hasn't already seen it. We KNOW you have, Chris! 

Clare gushes over engaged life and how much Dale says he loves her. "I've waited my lifetime for this," she raves. 

The hairstylist remembers everything going dark when she met Dale on Night One, and says it definitely was love at first sight. She remembers thinking about him constantly, like we didn't just see that happen for four weeks. 

Chris asks Clare why she was so nervous for the proposal, and she says she's never had a man show up. Scheduling the proposal one day after their first date probably didn't help (but she doesn't say that). 

Clare says a proposal wasn't her endgame, she just wanted to know he would never leave. 


Uhhhh OK. Just when we were ready to continue the Tayshia journey, Chis is here to clear up the elephant in the room. What elephant? We are ready to move on! 

Chris is not listening to our pleas, so he's gearing up to rehash the Clare-Dale relationship. "She and Dale are in love and happily engaged... but how they arrived there has led Bachelor Nation with many unanswered questions," he says. 

He's planning to grill them on whether they communicated before filming -- even though both of them have insisted they didn't. 

Breaking Down

Before going to commercial, we get an EPIC promo for Tayshia's season, featuring love confessions, a connection with Ivan, and her serious dad. 

He doesn't want Tayshia to make one of the biggest mistakes of her life, she is crying, and scared of experiencing heartache like she did after her divorce. "It's a lot," she cries. 

At her final rose ceremony, Tayshia breaks down... perfect time for commercial break!

Fresh Start

It's time for the rose ceremony, and Tayshia says she feels like the love of her life is in this room. 

However, she's canceling the rose ceremony to continue all of their journeys. "I think that sounds like a good idea, yeah?" she asks the guys. "It's just us now!" 

The men are SO excited and we're happy for them. She toasts to the guys and is smiling wide. A fresh start! 


Tayshia picks up her first impression rose, and tells Spencer her heart "skipped a beat" when he got out of the limo. 

"Spencer, will you accept this rose?" she asks. Oh no -- if she doesn't end up with Spencer, the first impression rose to engagement streak will be broken!! So much pressure! 



"They're all so welcoming," Tayshia raves to the camera. 

The mustache guy is one of 11 kids, and has a twin, and we're already overwhelmed. Kenny is "into the whole band thing" and had to buy a suit to come here. We are learning so many facts! 

Ben takes Tayshia dancing without music (did you steal this move from Riley?) and she is entertained. Did Blake ever take her for a spin in Paradise


The guys are all trying to hype themselves up and stay positive -- mostly Zac C. 

He takes Tayshia off to the fountain (why the fountain again?) and they talk about how serious they are, but still want to have fun. 

"I didn't know anything about any of this stuff, and I just showed up," he admits, telling Tayshia she's brought in a new energy. 

Zac gives Tayshia a coin to celebrate their "new beginning," which they'll throw over their shoulder and make a wish. "I loved that!" Tayshia gushes. "Zac and Tayshia!" 

First Impression Rose

Chris Harrison walks in to drop off the first impression rose. Ivan really wants it, Zac really wants it, and Bennett jokes that Clare is "off on her honeymoon" with Dale after giving him her first impression rose two weeks ago. 

Ed, who we do not remember ever seeing, is VERY passionate about getting the rose. 

Next up, Spencer gets an elbow to the face on a group date. Exciting! 

Is Clare Screaming?

Tayshia's back with a drink and she is blown away. "Keep it coming, let's keep going!" she says, as the men POUNCE to take her away. They have clearly learned their lesson. Is Clare screaming right now? 

Spencer whisks Tayshia away, telling her that he's 30 and a "big beach guy." He jokes about throwing her into the ocean. "I just don't want to drown," Tayshia says, and Spencer's response doesn't have us convinced that he's a good lifeguard. 


Montel is next and he is wearing a pink jacket. The men inside are NOT happy that these newbies are getting to meet her before they do. 

Robert and Noah pop out of the limo, and Tayshia is loving it. "What more can a girl ask for? Not much! It's been a good night. I couldn't be happier." 

"He's going to be trouble, I already know it," she laughs of Noah, the man with the mustache (who we also remember from Clare's first cast in March). 


Annnd the first guy out of the limo is Spencer! 

"This is very pleasant surprise that you're here," Spencer tells Tayshia. Uh, who were you expecting? What were you told? Seriously! 

Spencer then meets the guys -- and asks who "scared away Clare." "The person you're looking for is not here," one man replies, as Kenny calls out his sh*t impression. 

Bring on the Men!

"Did you really think that was the only group of guys you were going to meet tonight?" Chris asks Tayshia. "There's another limo full of men pulling up right now." 

"Tayshia, let your journey continue!" he says. 

In the words of JoJo Fletcher, "Bring on the men!" 

Sorry About That

There's a lot of talk from the guys about Tayshia giving them the chance they deserved from Clare, and we're happy they feel happy. 

Tayshia, meanwhile, heads off for a convo with a guy in a turtleneck, who admits (again) he didn't have a deep connection with Clare. He's "in awe" of Tayshia, and they're really connecting, so it's time for Chris to interrupt. 

"Sorry about that," Tayshia politely says, walking off with Chris. 

I Like Her More Than Clare

"I like her way more than Clare already," Ivan says, and other guys agree. "This gave me new life." 

We are officially over Canadian Blake, who has told Tayshia he's been through the ringer during Clare's two weeks. He is stressing us out, but he feels relieved. BUT HE'S STILL STRESSING US OUT. 

Jason is also stressing us out, and he admits to Tayshia he had real feelings for Clare. "It's hard, and I still do have feelings, so it's tough," he said. He tells Tayshia he still thought he was going to go home just a few hours ago, but he's here for the right reasons. 


Riley is smooooth and he and Tayshia sit down for a chat at a dreaded fountain. This is not good for audio, people!! 

He asks Tayshia what she does for work, because he doesn't know. How refreshing! Also, interesting that Tayshia, former phlebotomist, says he works in the "beauty and lifestyle" space. Get your opportunities, girl! 

My Speed

Tayshia encourages the guys to lean in to the process. "If this is what's coming, I can't wait. If you're ready to start the journey, cheers me," she instructs. And the men OBEY. 

Ivan NEEDS to know more about Tayshia, so he pulls her aside for a chat. She tells him the guys all seem incredible, and now that that's out of the way, she can get down to the important stuff -- like whether the guys are still hung up on Clare. 

Ivan says that he felt like Clare was about to send him home. "You are definitely more my speed," he admits. "I'm going to give this 100 percent, for sure." 

Heeeere's Tayshia!

The guys are all anxious about who's about to walk through the door. Ivan is ready to fall in love, Ben (??) is excited, and heeeeere's Tayshia! 

There's several "oh my God"s and it is SO FUNNY. "Hi, I'm Tayshia," she casually says, giving the men hugs. 

"She's beautiful, couldn't be better," Ben says. It WAS Ben. 

"You've never seen jaws drop," Zac C. comments, as Tayshia gets the night started. 

"If you could have told me a week ago that I was going to be here... I would have said, 'There's no way,'" she says. So, she wasn't even quarantined a week? WHAT IS THE TIMELINE HERE? 

All of Bachelor Nation

Tayshia, we are ready for you!! Chris Harrison catches us up on this very unusual season, as Clare found love with Dale two weeks into filming, leaving her 16 other men "cheated." 

The guys were totally confused about what was coming next, and "for the first time in Bachelor history, a new Bachelorette was summoned," Chris explains. 

Tonight, Tayshia's journey begins. She's scared about whether they have feelings for Clare, and she doesn't want to feel like a second choice. Plus, new men! 

Then -- Clare and Dale are BACK (four days after their engagement?). Chris grills the pair on whether they lied to "all of Bachelor Nation." And it's coming up tonight!!!! 

The Bachelorette airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC. See more in the video below.