'The Bachelorette': Becca Kufrin Walks Away After One Man Reveals He's a Virgin


And then she revealed she's already in love with someone else... with six guys still left in the competition.

Becca Kufrin's got some timing! 

The Bachelorette continued her journey to find love on Monday night, taking her remaining six guys to the Bahamas. It was a big week for the 28-year-old publicist -- who realized she was already in love with one man -- and a big week for Colton, who revealed on his one-on-one date that he's still a virgin (spoiler: He's not the guy she's in love with). 

In fact, Colton's virginity reveal was perfectly crafted by producers, as his first attempt at sharing his secret was interrupted so he and Becca could go looking for conch shells and eat what was touted as the Bahamian version of Viagra. Yup. He worked up his courage again during dinner, finally telling Becca that because of all his focus on his sports career, his personal life suffered. He's still a virgin and not even his dad knows. UNTIL NOW. 

Becca was shocked, and she walked away from the table in dramatic fashion as producers spliced in shots of her contemplating life outside. Our Bachelorette later said on Twitter that she was just going to the bathroom, but we say ignorance is bliss, and we couldn't be bigger fans of the show's editing. Pristine! Anyway, Colton was rewarded for sharing his V-card status with the promise of a date card to introduce Becca to his family at hometowns. 

The next one-on-one went to Garrett, making Blake super jealous and coming off kind of desperate. Not a fan of that behavior, but we were quickly distracted by Becca's insane chemistry with Garrett. They flew around to different islands, made out in the ocean, and dropped a line about being twitterpated by each other (Bambi throwback!). Then they had dinner and made out in the ocean some more. Don't worry -- they were both wearing bathing suits, so no Juan Pablo funny business ensued. 

Blake finally got his one-on-one next, and after throwing Becca around the sandy dance floor at an impromptu Baha Men concert, he confessed to her that he's having trouble sharing her with the other guys. She then admitted that she "sympathizes" with Arie Luyendyk Jr. and that she's having trouble managing her strong feelings for multiple guys. At dinner, Blake aired his mom's dirty laundry for the world, revealing that while he was a sophomore in high school, she cheated on his dad with Blake's English teacher/basketball coach. We're sure she appreciated that reveal. 

Then Blake went all in and told Becca that he is in love with her. She gave him the generic "you're going to make my heart burst"... but then she admitted to the camera that SHE'S IN LOVE WITH HIM TOO! With six guys left, Becca Kufrin is making moves! 

The group date came next, which was hard to focus on after all the bombshells -- and President Donald Trump's Supreme Court pick -- but Leo was eliminated during their day on the beach, and poor Wills was sent home at dinner. Becca told him that it was the hardest decision she's ever had to make, and she knows he'll find his person. That only upset him more, as he stopped the limo on his way to the airport to get out and cry in (semi) private. We love you, Wills! 

And after all that drama, we still got an exciting new promo, which showed Becca getting grilled by parents on next week's hometown dates before she reunites with her old pal Tia, who looks like she's about to reveal she still has feelings for Colton. But we're still days away from that, so tell us what you thought about this week's episode at Group Date: ET's Bachelor Nation Support Circle on Facebook. 

The Bachelorette airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC. 


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