The half-Cuban Bachelor's journey to find love kicked off on Monday night.
What a night!
Peter Weber's three-hour season season premiere of The Bachelor kicked off on Monday night, and ET was live blogging along the way.
We were right here with minute-by-minute updates as Pilot Pete met his 30 women for the first time -- and was surprised with a visit from his ex, Hannah Brown. Then, after all the limo exits, a first impression rose and the first round of goodbyes, we saw Peter's first dates, and his journey to find love kick into full gear.
"Night one was amazing," Peter told ET, calling his first day at the Bachelor mansion "surreal." "I'm like, 'Dang, I'm Bachelor now. This is crazy, and they're about to come meet me.' It's just an insane feeling of gratitude knowing what was about to happen."
"I was nervous like no other. I thought my heart was gonna come out of my chest but that first limo came, that door opened and just all calm again," he said.
The 28-year-old half-Cuban Bachelor had "instant chemistry" with several women -- but it seems they might have to compete with Hannah. The episode ended with the pair's tearful conversation between the pair, where Peter admitted he's not over her, and asked her to join his season. Relive the night's highlights below:
'He Can Be With Hannah'
On the next episode, news of Peter and Hannah's conversation appears to reach the women.
"I don't want to be here anymore. He can be with Hannah. I'm done," one girl says in a FIRE promo. Until next week!
To Be Continued...
Peter gets candid with the camera. "I look at her, and I don't want to stop looking at her. And I want to just kiss her and just -- just like had all this work out. And it didn't, and I know it didn't, and I just feel like such a jerk because I have such an awesome group of girls here expecting to meet someone who was truly ready to have this work for them as well. And I don't know," he said.
What Do You Want?
"What do you want? What are you asking me?" Hannah asks Peter.
"What do you want? " Peter asks back. "I did want you to come back in. I remember I saw you that night, and I remember like, 'Wow.' I didn't notice you, swear to god, and then you came out and I noticed who it was. And I just -- I don't know what to do right now. I'm so confused and this is the first week this thing is starting. I'm obviously not 100 percent where I thought I was. I don't know what to do."
"I swear to you, I was at my aunt's house watching that live last episode, and I was telling my parents, 'If she wants to try this again, I am onboard.' And my heart just sank when you asked Tyler out. And I love Tyler and it's nothing against him, but I was just like, 'Ugh, that hurts,'" Peter confesses.
Hannah replies: "He was reaching out, and you didn't say anything. I didn't know where you were. I knew you were upset and dealing with it, so I didn't reach out to you, and you didn't reach out to me. I didn't know if you wanted to get past it -- I thought you wanted to be the Bachelor. And I walked out there and I saw you, and I felt a lot more than I thought I was going to. I didn't think there was going to be that much spark. Because I knew there was something still there."
Me and Jed?
"I felt zero doubt, even when you said Jed's name first, I was so sure you were calling my name, and then obviously you didn't. But that morning --" Peter begins.
"I told you, I had no doubts that you were going to be -- it was you and Jed," Hannah says.
"Me and Jed?" Peter asks.
"Like, you were going to meet my family," Hannah reveals. "I don't think I wanted to change my mind about Jed. It was comfortable. It was falling back into the same thing. But like, I broke everybody's heart in this and my own through this experience."
Peter Pops a Big Question
Peter is torn. "What the f**k do I do right now? I don't know what I'm doing," he says. "What would you… this is so insane. What would you say if I asked you to come be part of the house?" he finally asks.
"I mean, maybe. Like, oh my gosh. I mean, there's a lot," Hannah says, getting up and moving away from Peter.
"Do you regret sending me home at all, in Crete?" Peter questions her.
"Yeah, Peter. I question it all the time," she admits.
Unfinished Business
Hannah and Peter clearly have some unfinished business.
"I don't know, Peter, I question what I should have done, and I question a lot," Hannah says, crying.
"Did you ever -- you know you asked Tyler out the last episode? Did it ever cross your mind to ask me for that instead?" Peter asks. "I just haven't asked you that, and it's been on my mind for a long time."
"There was still something when I saw you at AFR, I felt like," Hannah confesses.
"I'm just being very honest with you. Watching that next episode, that night live, and seeing that happen. I was like, 'OK,' for me, that was it. I don't want to be someone's third option at all. And it was tough, because I found out you moved 20 minutes from where I live, and just all this stuff kept happening. I feel like I thought that I was not confused, but now I don't know. I don't know."
Hannah is BAWLING.
Getting Down to It
"How was when you came the first night to the mansion?" Peter asks.
"Terrible," Hannah confesses.
"I had no idea what you were going to say or a little bit of me was kind of hoping you weren't just dropping something off, but you were coming in," Peter says. "I appreciated you bringing the wings back, but you didn't have to do that… no matter what, you're always going to mean so much to me."
"You followed your heart," he tells her.
"My heart was very confused. I don't know what I did," Hannah says. "I don't know what the f**k I was doing... I'm really f**ked up."
A Breakdown Is Coming
Hannah tells a producer she doesn't know how she feels being back around Peter.
"I know I care for him. I know I loved him, but I know it doesn't work," she says, before going off to cry.
"Hey, birthday girl," he says. "I know this is weird, but -- how are you doing?"
"Not OK," she tells him. "I'm really sorry."
The Love Story Heard 'Round the Windmill
Hannah recalls her and Peter's love story.
"We go to our room, but it's not a room. It's a windmill… let's just say he proved me wrong, and then proved me wrong again, and then again, and then again in the morning. Four f**king times," she says. "So, that is the real story of the windmill with old' Peter and me."
She tells the girls the more confident they are about their sexuality, the more confident they'll be in a relationship. "You are going to tell a story about sex," she explains. The women will do this all in front of a live audience -- Peter included.
Hannah also tells the girls that Peter holds a special place in her heart. "I do want him to be able to find his person, because that's what he deserves," she says. The women go off to write their speeches -- and speculate on whether Hannah's moved on.

The Beast Is Back
The women physically run and meet Peter for the season's second group date. Ah, beginning-of-the-season energy!
"I actually have no idea what we're doing… I actually asked a good friend of mine who knows me very well if they could put this date on," Peter tells them. The group walks into a theater with a windmill -- and Hannah Brown.
"The beast is back, b**ches," Hannah tells the camera.
"Peter put me in charge today. That was a terrible idea on his part," she laughs while explaining her presence to the women. "We're going to have some fun, but before that, I'm going to tell you a story about this guy I once dated..."
'They Probably Got Married'
Back at the mansion, the women talk aobut how Madison and Peter "probably got married."
The next date card arrives for Lauren, Sydney, Payton, Natasha, Alexa, Kelsey, Mykenna, Alayah and Savannah. "I hope this isn't awkward," the date card says. Dun dun dun!
One Last Surprise
Peter has "one last surprise" for Madison -- a private concert by Tenille Arts. Peter and Madison slow dance in the center of the dance floor.
"Dancing with Madison… I feel so lucky. This is the most amazing night with the most beautiful girl," Peter says. "I don't think the night could get any better. This is a fairytale."
Then Peter's family walks in and we love Barb's dance moves.
"This first date blew every expectation, dream, totally out of the water," Madison gushes to the camera. There's so much PDA in front of his parents. Young love!
A Rose for Madison
Madison says she does believe this works, but she's a very cautious person and has taken things really slow in relationships. "I trust you, and I want you to trust you too, and trust your heart," she tells Peter. "I want you to be with the person who is the best fit for you, Mrs. Weber. But I'm really hopeful, and I think you're incredible."
"This is… woo!" Peter says. "Woo" is apparently his favorite word. (It's better than "amazing.")
"Today was such a dream in so many ways. It was the perfect first date for me. Sharing the day with you and my family, just seeing how much you appreciated it too, for me, that means everything," he continues, giving Madison the rose.
Finding a ~Connection~
During the night portion of the date (Where did everyone go???), Madison says she didn't expect to hit it off with Peter so fast -- or feel so comfortable with his family.
"It felt like home," she shares. "My parents have been together for 28 years, and the way they fight for their relationship and choose each other every single day, they know it's an everlasting love."
Madison is ready to find her person -- and thinks it may be Peter. "I wasn't expecting to have feelings so soon. It's scary, because this is going to be really hard, having to share you," she tells him.
"Believe me, I know what it's like on that side of it. I wish I could tell you it's going to be easier," Peter replies. "But I can see your heart already, and I will do whatever I can to protect that and guard that for you."
Close Not Gross
Madison is seemingly already part of the family, because Peter's mom is feeding her cake. Yes, really. Close not gross!
"I feel so welcomed by everyone here," Madison tells Barbara. "It's so amazing. I don't know. I feel like I've known him my whole life."
"I have to admit, he seems like he's in awe of you, and that makes me happy, because I really like you," Barbara tells her.
Madison catches the bouquet from his mom. "It's a sign. It's a good sign!" she exclaims.
Peter takes Madison around to his family.
This is my aunt from Cuba. "Que linda, si?" he tells his aunt, noting Madison's beauty. He doesn't point out his date until he's standing at the altar with his dad -- awkward.
Peter, who is officiating, watches as his little brother walks in their mom. Madison keeps waving at him. He knows where you are, girl! You don't have to do that!
"Surprise, I'm an ordained minister now!" Peter tells the crowd. "My parents… are the ultimate example to me of love… because of you, I know what true love looks like. I see it on a daily basis."
His parents have written their own vows and they're crying. "I've loved you for 33 years, and I promise to love you for the rest of my life," Peter Sr. tells Barbara AND WE'RE CRYING TOO.
The One-on-One
Madison's one-on-one date is here. "I am ready to see him. I'm so excited!" she exclaims as she gets ready for the mysterious date.
"Night one, Madison right from the beginning had such great energy... I have a thing for southern girls, I guess," Peter says, driving Madison to his parents' house.
"I'm going to introduce her to people that mean the most to me," he tells the camera.
"This is my parents house, and they are renewing their vows tonight," he finally reveals.
A Weird Night
"It's been a weird night," Kelley says. Shiann is pissed "the rest of us didn't have a chance" but you have to be more assertive, girl. Get out there!
The Target Gets Bigger
Kelley goes to interrupt Shiann and get more time with Peter even though they just spent HOURS together in the sky.
"We're at the exact place where I randomly ran into Kelley!" Peter exclaims, and they reenact their first meeting. Shiann is crying -- but she really only has herself to blame. Peter says he knows Kelley has a target on her back, but tells her not to let it affect her. "Always hold onto that."
"I needed that," Kelley says. "You know what else you need? Peter asks. "To get on this counter" -- and he lifts her up, puts her on a counter, and they make out. Peter gives Kelley the rose, and mentions how they're back where they first met. The girls MAKE EYES AT EACH OTHER AND THE TENSION IS FELT THROUGH THE TV.
Peter Is Cheesy
Victoria P. LOOKS LIKE DEMI. She tells Peter she's never had anyone take care of her, because she's a nurse. Peter all of the sudden feels compelled to walk away, but not to vomit. Instead, he picks her some flowers from outside the hotel. "You said you had never recieved flowers from someone before. I just picked these outside. These are for you," he says.
Back at the mansion, there's 300 girls, and Madison gets a one-on-one. "I want to show you what forever looks like," the date card reads.
Kelley Takes the Lead
Kelley makes a corny joke about their connection on their private flight after the challenge, and Peter LOVES it.
Back at the Four Seasons, the ladies are waiting for Peter, but Kelley emerges. "It was really good. We went flying, saw the mountains, the water, and had to fly back." SILENCE.
Tammy takes the opportunity to clear the air. "I don't want to come off mean, but you did cheat throughout the obstacle course," she points out.
I didn't know the rules were going to be extremely strict," Kelley says back. "I don't really know what else to do" -- and neither do we.
Finally Peter arrives.
"I don't think I am the girls' favorite right now," Kelley tells the camera. "I feel like I have a bunch of targets on my back. It's good they don't know we are at the hotel Peter and I met at."

The Date's Not Over
Now they're suiting up for an obstacle course and Peter kisses one girl in front of everyone else for the chance. BOLD!
The winner gets a sunset flight over LA and Hannah Ann believes she's Peter's new Maverick. The race is on, and the ladies are at it.
Tammy may have lost her eyelash in the wind, but she's ready to win it. Unfortunately, Kelley cheats and wins.
First Time for Everything
Victoria P.'s never thrown up in front of a boy, but there's a first time for everything.
"Pain is temporary, but Peter is potentially forever," she justifies before getting on the spinny contraption we've already forgotten the name of.
Peter feels so bad for Victoria, who runs into the bathroom and loses her lunch. "Sometimes we get sick, and can only hope someone cares enough about us to comfort us," she says.
Love a Flashback!
Victoria P. gets motion sickness and WE GET A DRAMATIC FLASHBCAK TO HER VOMITTING AFTER RIDING THE TEACUP RIDE AT DISNEYLAND. "I've never thrown up in front of a boy before." THEN WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING, VICTORIA??
'My Very Good Friends'
Peter lands his plane and the girls run out to the airport in their athleisure. "I just want to lick him up and down," Tammy says.
Peter's excited to show the ladies why he loves flying so much, so he brings out his "good friends" (Suuuure) -- two badass flyin b**ches -- who put the ladies through flight school. The ladies can do basic math, but get flustered with the terms.
"Flying dirty," "trust," "cockpit," "suck, squeeze, bang, blow," are just a few of the terms the ladies get tested on -- before his "good friends" poke fun at his "windmilling."
Next, time for the gyroscope!
Peter Feels Alive!
Peter feels alive because he sees planes in the sky! He is a pilot through and through! Top Gun, real life!
The first date is upon us, so Peter gets ready by washing his plane shirtless.
"This could be my first real date with my wife," he gushes. Chris Harrison meets the girls to remind them that Peter sees his wife in the group. "Hopefully it wasn't lost on you last night," he says.
Hannah Ann, Kelley, Deandra, Tammy, Courtney, Shiann, Victoria P., Jasmine, Victoria F. land the date. "Look up!" the date card reads. How teasy.
Cheers + Tears
Maurissa is going home, as is Katrina. But we can't spend too much time on them, because we have a season to get to.
"Cheers to the most amazing first night," Peter says. "I cannot wait for this journey to take off."
Hannah Ann also gives a toast? What is happening? "Buckle up baby, adventure calls!" she yells.
Rose Ceremony Time!
It's the next morning already, but the rose ceremony is just getting started.
"Ladies, again I just want to reiterate how thankful I am for each and every one of you… I know it's not easy, but what I am holding on to is each ceremony will get me closer to my forever love," Peter tells the group. "I think my wife's in here. I just have a lot of hope moving forward."
Victoria P. gets the first rose and she's HONORED. Madison, Kelley, Lexi, Savannah, Lauren, Tammy, Alaya, Jasmine, Sydney, Natasha, Mykenna, Deandra, Sarah, Alexa are all safe, and Kelsey gets a rose even though she's on the verge of a breakdown.
We know what Tammy will be doing in celebration -- "eating all the cheese I can eat." Appreciate the honesty, girl.
Payton, Kiara. Courtney, Shiann are all safe, and the final rose goes to Victoria F.
And the First Impression Rose Goes to...
Peter picks up the first impression rose, and steals Hannah Ann away.
"I just want to let you know how much I appreciate this boldness. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you more," he says. "I will definitely say I think there's room for two Hannahs in my life. Hannah Ann, will you accept this rose?"
"Thank you," she says, and they KISS EVEN MORE. Mykenna feels like sh*t ,and Chris Harrison pulls Peter away to deliberate.
The Dry Thing
Women are intercepting each other and it's only getting more intense. After getting swooped for most of the night, Victoria F. finally gets time with him.
"I was a little nervous coming into it. My little one liner to you, the dry thing," she tells the Bachelor.
"Oh that's right, Peter says. "What did you say again?"
Victoria has to recap their first meeting AND IT'S SO AWKWARD. Victoria P. interrupts her, and the other Victoria cries. "He didn't even remember what I said!" This Victoria feels bad.
Peter then meets up with Kelley, says he couldn't stop thinking about her. "You just make me feel secure," she tells him. Peter asks how she's still on the market. "Kelley, I was so happy that she came tonight. There's that spark that makes my heart beat a little faster," he gushes.
"I'm ready to take this journey," she tells him.
First Feud of the Season
Hannah Ann wants to talk to him again -- and we can't tell if she's a hero or a villain. "Hannah cut me off," Deandra says. Hannah says she's not the aggressive type, but she wants to show her effort.
Shiann talks to Peter -- and Hannah Ann interrupts again to "end with a kiss." WHAT IN THE WORLD. "I mean, that's a pretty good gift too," Peter gushes.
Drama erupts, and Shiann confronts Hannah Ann. This is so awkward BUT WE LOVE IT. "I don't know if you're being honest or bullsh**ting me to get me out of your face." Hannah says she respects Shiann, and encourages her to "make a run for it." Shiann is crying and we have our first feud!

Tammy! + Cats and Rats
Our girl Tammy says she can tell Peter likes a bold girl. She cuffs Peter, does a security check with her TSA gloves, and "finds" a condom in his pocket. And then kisses him. Get it, girl!
Another girl, Natasha, wants to be "mysterious." They sit down, Mykenna interrupts, and Peter asks her for a minute. "There are some cats and some rats!" Natasha exclaims.
Mykenna talks about her grandparents' love story, but then Natasha interrupts "Payback is a b**ch," Natasha says. This is awkward. Peter kisses Mykenna, BUT Natasha is RIGHT THERE watching, and yells "tick tock." We can't stand it.
Pressure's On!
Chris comes in with the first impression rose and the girls are getting "competitive."
The girl in the 50-pound sparkly dress takes Peter for a round of mini golf with a windmill. (We haven't learned everyone's names yet but NEITHER HAS PETER so it's OK.)
Peter takes a spin in that red corvette, and he's gushing about how fun the girls are. "I'm already feeling an initial spark," he marvels.
Hannah Ann talks about her parents being married for so long. She gives Peter a picture of the smokey mountains that she and her dad painted for him. They kiss -- a lot. We can hear their lips smacking and it's driving us nuts. And other girls are watching. "My lucky charm!" Peter exclaims.
"Peter just gives me the butterflies, and he makes me so excited," Hannah says. I can't wait to talk to him more.

Really F**king Hot Biscuit
Alaya sits down with Peter first, after declaring that he and Hannah have "closed that chapter." She and Peter look at her grandma's letter. "My grandma and I are super close," she says.
Other girls gush over Peter inside, calling him a "really f**king hot biscuit." WE WISH WE DIDN'T HEAR THAT. Peter connects with Maurissa, who has been single for four years. Then he and Madi fly their giant paper airplanes. "Tell me something interesting," she tells him. WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT? But they're connecting, and Peter seems to like it.
Speech Time
"Welcome aboard!" Peter says, but then his voice breaks. "I know some of you may have seen Hannah. She stopped by, and I fell in love with her, I truly did, and she gave me back my wings. That's what I had given her the first night. It was really cool and I appreciated it. If anything, seeing her tonight has given me more hope moving forward with all you beautiful ladies that this can happen again."
"Thank you for taking this chance with me," he tells the ladies.
"I am one lucky guy and I'm so happy to be here," Peter says. "I want to raise my glass to all you beautiful glass. May this be the beginning of the greatest love story we've ever seen."
HANNAH BROWN IS HERE -- and someone asks if it's "legal."
"You look very handsome," Hannah tells him in the driveway as women peek through the gates.
"Not expecting this," Peter says. "This is so weird right now."
"I'm nervous," Hannah says. "When I heard you were going to be the Bachelor, I had mixed emotions, but when I stood where you are, you wanted to find your co-pilot, you gave me something, and I want you to find your person, so I brought these back for you."
Hannah hands Pete his wings. "That means a lot, thank you," he tells her.
"I am really happy for you," she shares, giving him a goodbye hug.
You Look Familiar
Kelley, 27, comes out and Peter recognizes her immediately. "I was wondering if you'd stop by," he says.
"I didn't really want to do this," Kelley admits, then says she needed a sign from God. Peter picks up where they left off, they dance together. "I was hoping she'd come by," he tells the camera.
Alexa, 27, emerges, then Avonlea, 27, and then Natasha, 31. Another limo pulls up the driveway, and the women are freaking out -- but then Hannah comes out. "Hey," she says. GIRLS SCREAM.
Emotional Support Cow
Jenna, 22, walks in with a cow. "This is Ashley P., she's my emotional support cow," Jenna says, giving Peter the lead.
"It's a pony," some girls say -- but it's a cow… "There's a pony out there," Tammy exclaims. Jenna has to explain it was a "joke."
Savannah, 27, blindfolds Peter. "I just want you to focus on the way things feel, because for me, the way things feel is most important." She KISSES PETER." "I'm trying to be bold," she explains.
Sex Jokes on Sex Jokes on Sex Jokes
Deandra, 23, is wearing A WINDMILL. "Are you ready for round five?" she yells.
Payton comes out, just shouting "Four times!"
Jasmine speaks Chinese, pointing out he did it four times.
Kylie comes out with condoms. Katrina tells him he'll fall in love with her hairless pussy cat, and pulls out a pic of her cat Jasmine.
Victoria F., 25, is nervous. She has a dry sense of humor. "But that's about the only thing that's dry right now," she says, barely making it through her joke. "Should I go? I should get in the taxi?" she asks. Victoria may have acted embarrassed, but she wants to "establish herself early on."
Peter lifts the woman out of the baggage. Kiarra, 23, has made it to her final destination -- but the girls joke that she's "baggage." "That's some David Copperfield sh*t," Chris quips.
Peter likes the next woman, Lexi, who rolls up in a classic car (we don't know cars, SORRY!). "Damn that's sexy," Peter says. "Clearly I like to go fast. I hear you do too," Lexi teases. "You'll have to catch me inside."
Paper Airplanes
Madison emerges in a paper airplane. "I successfully landed my plane. All that's left is to land your heart," she beams.
Our favorite girl, Tammy, is investigating a "large package in front of the mansion" as a TSA agent. Another woman, Shiann, gives him a barf bag.
Courtney, 26, is "going for the mile high club" in a mini plane. He says it's the "best entrance ever," which can't be "beat" -- until a guy pulls up some baggage. AND A GIRL POPS OUT.

Tale of Three Flight Attendants
Eunice, 23, is a flight attendant. "I figured I would just wing it," she says, wearing angel wings. "I'm different."
Jade, 26, is also a flight attendant. And Megan, 26, is also a flight attendant.
"Apparently everyone and their mother is a flight attendant," Eunice concedes. Ya, they are. She's not worried though, because she's here for the "flight" reasons.
Pinky Promise
The next group of women comes in with Mykenna, a fashion blogger, who thinks she can "work" with what Peter's got.
Maurissa makes a pinky promise with Peter, and Kelsey thinks Hannah made a mistake by letting him go.
Hubba Hubba!
Sarah is next up. "I think my stomach might actually leave my body from all the butterflies I have. She gives Peter a "Hubba Hubba." Oh man.
Lauren, 26, then emerges (and she's the only Lauren this year!). "I would be lying if I told you this whole thing wasn't really scary for me… someone told me if it scares you, do it," she says. She's wearing a jumpsuit, and we love it. Rock it, girl!
Victoria P., 27, takes a moment after getting out of the limo. She and Peter do a "happy dance" to get over their nerves and we are uncomfortable.

First Limo Exits
First up -- Alayah, 24. "Family is something super important to me," she says, before handing Peter a letter. They bond over their grandmothers both being named Rose. "That's a way to start the night."
Sydney, 24, is from Alabama. "But I'm not your typical southern girl," she says. "Not every girl from 'Bama makes bad decisions." That dress looks HEAVY! "Throwing some shade," Peter says. Yes indeed.
Hannah Ann, who we met in the intro package, is next. "Well hopefully you can save room for another Hannah in your heart," she smiles at him. "Wow, I'm in trouble. Oh boy!" Peter says, as Hannah sings she's "in love" while walking into the mansion.
Go Time!
Back to Peter on night one -- he's excited for the "most beautiful love story ever." He hops in the car to mansion and it's officially time for him to meet the women.
The ladies pop champagne in the limo. "Cheers to Peter!" they yell.
Peter meets Chris at the mansion, who welcomes him with open arms. If we didn't already know, Peter is looking for the "girl of my dreams."
Chris asks if he's over Hannah, and Peter says he is (FORESHADOWING -- BECAUSE HE'S PROBABLY NOT). "I would not be here tonight if I wasn't ready to put that behind me and move forward," Peter says.
The first limo is pulling in now!
More Ladies!
Kelley, 27, is an attorney. "I work with my entire family… my brothers are super over protective." She's already met Peter at a hotel, and we smell drama brewing.
Madison, 23, from Alabama, was always coached by her father. She's a "challenger." "I am so excited that the Bachelor is Peter. I just think he's really sweet and really genuine," she gushes.
Maurissa, 23, is a patient care coordinator for plastic surgeons. She's a former pageant girl and was affected by body image issues in the past. She gained 80 pounds, but woke up one day and started taking care of herself. "I'm finally ready to find that person to share everything with," she says.
Meet the Ladies!
First up: Alexa, 27, a caregiver -- but her job is listed as "esthetician." Oh, it's because she "also wax vaginas for a living."
Hannah Ann is 23 from Knoxville. "I'm just a normal girl," the model says. "I cannot wait to meet Peter."
Tammy from Syracuse is a fighter. She slams a guy on the ground, but she's a real estate agent. "I'm going to go in, smash down walls if I need to," she promises. WE LOVE TAMMY!
Victoria Paul, 27, is a nurse. She was her sister's primary caregiver because her father died and her mom struggled with addiction. I had to grow up pretty fast, pretty young. Her mom has found sobriety, and Victoria is proud. She's emotional about falling for Peter.
Buckle Up
Peter's getting ready for night one.
"I have all the faith I'm going to find my wife from this. I'm ready to open up my heart… I cannot wait to start this whole journey and to meet all these women. I'm so excited," he smiles.
Kind, Sweet Heart
Peter tells Chris that he wants a girl with a "kind, sweet heart." To get it, he journeys through the airport in his pilot uniform, where fans stop him for pics.
"I have such a good feeling about this. This whole experience, it works. I'm so hopeful I'm going to find love again," he gushes. "I'm going to go find my wife."
Next up, limo exits -- and "some cats and some rats."
Cuban Roots
Peter sits down with his parents for a heart-to-heart before he kicks off his journey, and they send him on his way with some Cuban food in his belly.
"There's so much that I love about my Cuban roots. The food's amazing. The closeness, the dancing. I've been so lucky to just grow up in a family with so much love. It's a big part of who I am, and I'm so excited have a family of my own one day," Peter says.

There's nothing like a shot of the sunrise over the airport to signal that a new Bachelor season is here.
"I am so excited. I have no idea what's coming, but I know my life will never be the same. I'm taking a leap of faith, being the Bachelor and opening up my heart again. But I have faith. This is going to work, and I'm going to go find my wife. I've been in love before, and it's the greatest feeling in the world," Peter says, reflecting on his breakup with Hannah Brown.
Peter's Mom Is Crying
WHAT A PROMO! Peter's mom is crying -- "Don't let her go. Don't let her go. Bring her home to us!" she bawls -- girls are possibly losing their virginity, and we'll get to see it all. Oh my.
The premiere is here -- but we're kicking off with a flash forward to the end of the season, with Chris Harrison delivering some not-so-great news.
"Before you do what you're about to do, there is something you should know," he tells Peter -- who has a breakdown before handing out his final rose.
The Bachelor airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC. See more in the video below.