'RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars 7' to Feature Franchise's First All-Winners Cast

The Emmy-winning series is making franchise herstory with their newly-announced cast!

RuPaul's Drag Race is ready to make herstory once again with the upcoming season of All Stars!

Paramount+ announced on Wednesday that All Stars 7 will feature the franchise's first-ever all-winners cast, as past champions return to compete for the title of "Queen of All Queens," and a cash prize of $200,000! 

The star-studded roster includes some of your all-time Drag Race faves, and instantly legendary winners, as well as one important international addition! Plus, there will be new episodes of Untucked streaming exclusively on Paramount+ to bring you all the best behind-the-scenes drama! Watch the casting announcement in the video below:

Fans can also catch an exclusive, extended first look at the legendary queens coming to All Stars 7 during the live grand finale of RuPaul's Drag Race season 14, airing Friday, April 22, at 8 p.m. ET/PT on VH1.

And, leading up to the All Stars 7 premiere on Paramount+, check out Countdown to All Stars 7: You're a Winner Baby -- a four-episode special premiering Friday, April 29, on VH1 and the RuPaul's Drag Race official YouTube channel -- where eight fan favorite Drag Race queens watch and react to the All Stars 7 queens' very best moments throughout franchise herstory. 

drag race all stars 7 cast

Check out the eight returning champions who are back to compete for the crown once again:

JAIDA ESSENCE HALL (Winner, Season 12)

all stars 7 jaida essence hall

Insta/Twitter: @jaidaehall

Look over there! Season 12’s winner and trade of the season is back to snatch another crown. With her dazzling charisma and show-stopping talent, Jaida remains the essence of beauty, and she’s ready to prove she’s the Queen of All Queens.

JINKX MONSOON (Winner, Season 5)  

all stars 7 jinkx monsoon

Instagram: @thejinkx / Twitter: @jinkxmonsoon

Season 5 champion Jinkx Monsoon is a powerhouse performer and one staunch character! This beloved, quirky queen is a force of nature, but can she prove it’s Monsoon season – again? 

MONÉT X CHANGE (Winner, All Stars 4)

all stars 7 monet x change

Insta/Twitter: @monetxchange

Miss Congeniality of Season 10 and winner of All Stars 4, Monét X Change is back, and the exchange rate is about to go up! Get ready to soak up all her charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent as Monét stakes her claim on another crown! 

RAJA (Winner, Season 3)

all stars 7 raja

Insta/Twitter: @sutanamrull

Season 3's Drag Race superstar, Raja inspired a generation of young queens with her creativity and style. Now this luminous legend is back to show once and for all that she is still the champion. 

SHEA COULEÉ (Winner, All Stars 5)

all stars 7 shea coulee

Insta/Twitter: @sheacoulee 

Fashion icon, performer and activist, Shea Couleé is the epitome of drag excellence. On All Stars 5, she ruled the runway and snatched the crown. Now she’s back to slay a new day… and claim the ultimate prize! 

TRINITY THE TUCK (Winner, All Stars 4)

all stars 7 trinity the tuck

Insta/Twitter: @trinitythetuck

The mighty Tuck is back - and tighter than ever! On All Stars 4, she secured the crown with her charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent. And now she’s ready to prove she’s the holy Trinity of drag. Will the Tuck take all?

THE VIVIENNE (Winner, Season 1 RuPaul’s Drag Race UK )

all stars 7 the vivienne

Instagram: @thevivienne_ / Twitter: @thevivienneuk

Ready for a British Invasion? The first crowned queen of Drag Race UK, The Vivienne is here to represent British drag on the OG main stage. Can this talented performer and glam grande dame claim the crown for queen and country?   

YVIE ODDLY (Winner, Season 11)

all stars 7 yvie oddly

Insta/Twitter: @oddlyyvie

The queen of the queerdos is back to fly her freak flag and prove she’s the Queen of All Queens. Season 11’s eclectic winner stole our hearts and blew our minds with her own brand of drag fabulosity! Now, she’s here to even the odds and take home another crown!

RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars 7 premieres Friday, May 20 exclusively on Paramount+. Check out some highlights from the last season of All Stars in the video below!