Prince Harry Receives an Apology From 'Mail on Sunday' for False Story

Prince Harry
Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

The apology and retraction comes after the royal sued the publication.  

Prince Harry was on the receiving end of an apology and retraction from the Mail on Sunday after the former royal sued the publication over a false article written about him. 

“An article on 25 October 2020 reported that Prince Harry had been accused by a top general of turning his back on the Royal Marines since withdrawing from his military roles in March and that, in an apparent snub to the Armed Forces, he had failed to reply to a letter from Lord Dannatt, a former Chief of the General Staff,” the statement reads.

“We now understand that Harry has been in contact in a private capacity with individuals in the military including in the Royal Marines to offer informal support since March and that whilst he did not initially receive the letter from Lord Dannatt referred to in the article due to administrative issues he has since replied on becoming aware of it. We apologize to Prince Harry and have made a donation to the Invictus Games Foundation,” the statement concluded.

Early in December, it was revealed that Prince Harry had sued the outlet and Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) over a story that included false claims about his relationship with the Royal Marines after taking a step back from royal duties earlier in the year. 

The lawsuit is only one of multiple ongoing legal battles for the Duke of Sussex and his wife, Meghan Markle, who sued the same publication over five February 2019 articles that included portions of a handwritten letter she wrote to her estranged father, Thomas Markle, after her marriage to Harry in 2018.

As of September, Meghan experienced a setback in that legal battle when the court sided with the publication over the use of Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of a Modern Royal Family, a recent tell-all book about the couple in its legal defense.