'On My Block' Cast on the Biggest Moments From the Series Finale and Upcoming Spinoff (Exclusive)

The final season of the Netflix teen drama dropped on Monday.

Spoiler Alert! If you haven't watched the fourth and final season of On My Block, listen to Little Ricky and stay away. If you've dried your eyes and are ready to say goodbye to your Freeridge friends, read on.

After four years of high school drama, it's time for the kids of Freeridge to go their separate ways. On My Block's fourth and final season dropped on Netflix on Monday, sharing with fans the final adventures of Monse (Sierra Capri), Cesar (Diego Tinoco), Jamal (Brett Gray), Ruby (Jason Genao) and Jasmine (Jessica Marie Garcia).

The farewell moments came with major revelations (Little Ricky lives!), heartbreaking tears (RIP Abuelita) and some life-shaping decisions for the once tight-knit group, who -- as a flash-forward at the end of season 3 previewed -- weren't actually that close when the final episodes begin, having taken drastically different paths after being the best of friends at the start of their high school career.

Calling the final episodes "bittersweet," the cast recently sat down with ET's Deidre Behar to dish on the biggest moments from On My Block's series finale, and what's next for their characters.

When season 4 kicks off, Cesar is deep into gang life with the Santos, only having a change of heart after his brother, reformed gangster Oscar (Julio Macias), is killed in a drive-by shooting just after the birth of his daughter. 

"It's hard to say this, but I did like to see that there are consequences for choices," Macias said of his character's heartbreaking end. "Even though he was doing his best to correct those things in his life, his past caught up to him."

"And I don't want to say this as harsh words, but I hope that it is a reminder that these things do happen," he continued. "It's not a joke. It's not a game that you can just go in and frivolously hang out in that life. If you're really going to do it, you've got to own up to the consequences if they catch up to you."

on my block season 4

At series' end, Cesar chooses his family over the gang and is moving to Portland to attend community college and be closer to his niece. As Monse heads off to Wellesley in Massachusetts, the on-again, off-again couple part with a goodbye that feels hopeful -- if not necessarily romantic.

"I would say they're not together in my mind," Tinoco admitted. "I think they left off on great terms as friends, and potentially something could develop later down the line, once they both have their sh*t figured out. Moreso Cesar, at least."

Looking back on their characters' passionate but tumultuous romance, Capri and Tinoco both said they were glad to see Monse choosing herself over Cesar in the final season.

"In season 4, we have intense arguments where [Monse] is telling Cesar, 'I'm not going to risk my life for you. I'm not going to put my life and my future in jeopardy,'" Tinoco noted. "I think that was something that, as a fan of the show, not even playing a character on the show, I was really waiting for that moment. For Monse to really stick up for herself and put herself first, be a little selfish and care more about her future."

on my block sierra capri

"I thought the same thing," Capri agreed. "I'm like, 'Wow, you really see how selfish Cesar is this season'... But at the same time, I feel like they still have so much love for each other, regardless, because they've been in each other's lives for so long."

"They're on the same page now, and they both know that they need to figure out who they are as individuals," she added. "But they're both like, 'We'll see what happens in the future.' It's all love."

The future is similarly unclear for Ruby and Jasmine, who broke up during the fourth season, only to get back together in time for prom. However, with Jasmine's family obligations keeping her from their college plan (Stanford for Ruby, Berkeley for Jasmine), it's unclear if these two could ultimately be in it for the long haul.

"I feel like it could go one or two ways," Garcia explained. "I could see them being together forever and getting married and having kids. And then I can also see where, speaking for Jasmine, she has more to offer than being the other half of Jazzby."

"She's such a selfless person, and she showed that throughout the series," she added. "Not going to Berkeley was a big blow for her... I think it's her turn to put herself first, and focus on her education and what other opportunities there are for her."

Genao is more hopeful for the pair, admitting that he'd like for the pair to grow into an "old Hispanic couple" that have stuck it out for decades. "I selfishly want to see them together forever," he said.

"Jasmine's so good for Ruby, right?" he continued. "Ultimately, I feel like there's so much more than just this infatuation between them... They're each other's match, drama and comedic-wise."

on my block season 4

As the characters said goodbye with one final backyard party in Abuelita's honor, the cast also said goodbye to each other, shooting the final scene of the series on the last day of filming, which Tinoco noted was "so perfectly well-timed and bittersweet."

"We all got to wrap together," Garcia added, while Genao admitted, "I remember it being a night shoot. And as badly as I wanted to cry and be sad, I also just wanted to go to sleep."

Gray shared that the late shoot meant the cast and crew didn't have too much time to stand around and get emotional after wrapping their final moments together, but added that the tight-knit co-stars knew, "It's not goodbye forever."

"It's like leaving your aunt's house," Genao added. "You know you're coming back."

"We're all so close that it's saying goodbye to our characters, but definitely not [each other]," Garcia agreed.

In a full-circle moment, the final backyard party also featured a new foursome of young teens peering over the back wall, just like our group was in the series premiere four seasons ago -- a possible nod toward the Freeridge spinoff that's currently in the works. However, the On My Block cast kept mum on any details they might know about the upcoming series.

"We don't know anything about it," Garcia said. "It's a completely different show."

"But best of luck to the cast," Capri added.

How about an On My Block movie? "Only if there's gnomes in it," Tinoco joked.

On My Block's fourth and final season is streaming now on Netflix. Check out the video below to see more from the cast, including what items they took from set on the last day!