'Big Brother': Second Eviction Vote Blindsides Houseguest As Tensions Boil Over Between Alliances

'Big Brother' Season 24 is living up to its famous mantra, 'Expect the unexpected.'

*Caution: Spoilers ahead!

It's easy to tell people to "expect the unexpected," but it's significantly harder to actually do so. For the houseguests on this season of Big Brother -- and for fans watching at home -- there's been more than the usual fair share of the unexpected.

Thursday's live eviction episode was jam-packed with drama and some surprising twists that left some houseguests in tears and others sick to their stomachs, apparently.

So, who wound up getting sent packing? Scroll down for the big reveal. Otherwise, here's how everything played out during Thursday's live show.

Fresh off the heels of Wednesday's dramatic episode, the house was still reeling from a heated confrontation between Taylor Hale and Daniel Durston in which Daniel screamed at Taylor, somehow blamed her for Paloma Aguilar's self-eviction, and left Taylor in tears.

Daniel's tantrum -- in concert with his ride-or-die, final-two-pact pal Nicole Layog's cold treatment of Taylor -- played a big part in Taylor being brought into a brand new pact of houseguests who feel they've been left out by some of the louder, more self-assured players. They call themselves The Leftovers.

Needless to say, Daniel hasn't had the best time thus far. It's one thing to behave badly, it's another thing to behave so badly you become the vigilante superhero origin story for a whole group of people dedicated to destroying you.

The Leftovers include current Head of Household Matthew "Turner" Turner, Kyle Capener, Joseph Abdin, Monte Taylor, Brittany Hoopes, Michael Bruner and Taylor.

Michael and Brittany -- who, before The Leftovers had been formed, had been put up for eviction by Turner -- won the Veto Comp and then removed themselves from the chopping block. This worked out perfectly for Turner, who had been wanting to backdoor Ameerah Jones and get her sent packing.

Once The Leftovers formed -- and they all agreed that Ameerah was the most logical choice -- it was all but set in stone.

Here's the thing though, and what makes this show so unpredictable: anyone not in the alliance assumed Turner would nominate Taylor and Nicole (who are paired up as part of the show's "Festie Bestie" twist) or Alyssa Snider and Indiana "Indy" Santos.

So, Wednesday's episode ended with the Avengers-style assembling and formation of The Leftovers.

On Thursday -- before the live vote played out -- viewers got the chance to see the veto meeting that shook the house in a big way. After Michael and Brittany used their veto to remove themselves, Turner dropped the bombshell nomination of Ameerah and her "Festie Bestie," Terrance Higgins.

More notably, he used his platform to deliver a fairly direct message about the bullying that's been going on against Taylor.

"I know this may come as a surprise to a lot of you. It was clearly one target this house had, but I don't feel like that's best for my game, and I really don't want to add to the dog pile I feel like is going on in this house," Turner said. "Behind closed doors, a lot of you say some crazy things about individuals. I don't want to draw the line in the sand by saying this, but as the youngest one in the house, I don't feel like I should be the one to say it's not okay. But here I am."

The speech brought Taylor to tears, but out of appreciation for the words of support. She explained in the diary room, "I knew who was going on the block, but I didn't know that Turner would make a point to stand up for what's right, and I didn't realize until that moment how much I needed, in this house, someone to do that for me. I just feel like this is the right crew for me. They're going to take care of me, and I'll take care of them."

The nominations sent shockwaves through the house and sent Ameerah on a quest to figure out who Turner is aligned with. However, she seemed to never lose faith that she was going to be OK, and Terrence was going to be sent home.

When it came time to make their appeal speeches, Ameerah's was short and simple -- delivered with the confidence of a person who is sure they have victory in the bag. Terrence, meanwhile, seemed resigned to the (supposed) likelihood that he would be going home.

When it came time for the vote, things played out exactly how The Leftovers intended -- nearly everyone not part of the alliance voted to send Terrence packing, but the majority voted to cast out Ameerah.

Oh, and Daniel, one of Ameerah's allies in the game, also voted to kick her out. Supposedly because he was so sure Terrence would get evicted that he wanted to make him feel better with a "sympathy vote." Although it didn't really do much but add some confusion to how many people are part of The Leftovers.

After leaving the house, Ameerah joined host Julie Chen Moonves for her exit interview, and when asked if she was surprised by how things went down, she admitted, "I kind of am, and I'm kind of not."

"Everyone was telling me I was safe, but I knew I was the bigger threat in the house than Terrance, so I never really believed it," Ameerah shared.

With Ameerah gone, Terrence was tasked with choosing a different pair to team up with, and he chose to partner with Joseph and Monte -- meaning there's a good chance he'll be a part of The Leftovers in the days to come.

Big Brother airs Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays on CBS.