'This Is Us' Sneak Peek: Jack Worries His Kids Will Forget Him Someday (Exclusive)

Jon Huertas directs Tuesday's episode.

Is Jack afraid of being forgotten?

On Tuesday's episode of This Is Us, directed by cast member Jon Huertas, Jack, Randall, Kevin and Toby all struggle to connect with their children. ET exclusively premieres a sneak peek from the episode, titled "Four Fathers."

In the clip, Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) hurries home after a long day at work hoping to catch his kids in time to say goodnight. Unfortunately, as Rebecca (Mandy Moore) reveals, he made it home just a little too late to tuck them into bed.

"They're not going to remember who I am!" Jack says, slightly exasperated.

"I'm sorry, nobody forgets that face," Rebecca assures him. "You can cover it with as much facial hair as you want, it doesn't even matter."

Jack laments over how he's quickly becoming the guy he worried he'd become: someone who's too busy working to see his children grow up and make lasting memories.

"How did I become that dad? The guy who leaves before breakfast and gets home after dinner?" he wonders out loud.

"My dad worked a lot. I still loved him," Rebecca says, prompting Jack to reply that a comparison to her father isn't exactly settling his nerves. "How would you like to be compared to my mom?" he quips.

Rebecca then suggests that Jack carve out a day that weekend to spend with the Big Three and "give them the full Jack experience." But he's already one step ahead. "Oh you already thought of the Jack experience," Rebecca realizes.

His perfect plan? Taking young Kevin, Kate and Randall to the new movie theater in town for their first big-screen experience. "It's perfect. They're going to love it," Rebecca approves. "You're going to have so much fun!"

Jack catches that she didn't say "we." "You're not going to come?" he asks.

"An entire Saturday with three squirming kids all hopped up on sugar, don't count on it babe!" Rebecca responds, politely declining his offer. 

Sure looks like Jack's about to have his hands full.

This Is Us airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on NBC. For more, watch below.

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