'90 Day Fiancé': Biniyam Meets Ariela's Ex-Husband for the First Time and Is Extremely Jealous

Biniyam also gets upset over Leandro's 'very inappropriate' gift for Ariela.

Biniyam finally met Ariela's ex-husband, Leandro, on Sunday's episode of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way. While the two were cordial, Biniyam definitely showed his jealous side.

Biniyam has expressed concerns over Ariela and Leandro's still close relationship. Ariela married Leandro when she was 19 years old and they were married for 10 years. She said they divorced because she was "immature" when they were married, and she wanted to travel the world instead of settling down. The two are still very close and on the day of his arrival to Ethiopia to visit, Ariela was visibly nervous. Biniyam also didn't like that she dressed up more than usual, and got even more upset when she didn't wear her engagement ring to the nail salon. Biniyam asked if she was ashamed of him, and even ran back home from the salon to get the ring so she could put it on.

Later, Biniyam and Leandro finally met and Biniyam wasn't impressed.

"When I see Leandro, absolutely I'm not happy," he told cameras. "But Ari, she's so excited, she's running, she's 'Hi, hi!' hug him, like something, just blah blah. He doesn't look like he came from America. He's nerdy guy, just, I don't know."

For his part, Leandro said he could feel the awkwardness coming from Biniyam.

"The first impression meeting Bini, there was obviously some sort of tension," he told cameras. "It's a no-brainer, I'm Ari's ex-husband. But, also I think he has to understand, I will be in her life and in [her and Biniyam's son] Avi's life too. Eventually, I feel like we can become good friends."

Leandro also got to hold baby Avi, and Ariela had no issue making an awkward joke.

"You could have had a baby like this, but you missed out," she told him.

Meanwhile, Biniyam couldn't help his fears when it came to Ariela and Lenadro, especially since his ex-wife is also American and ended up leaving him and taking their son back to the United States.

"Ari and Leandro's relationship is very close," he told cameras. "Maybe they rekindle their love. Maybe they might leave together. Things like this worry me. I think I must watch him with a suspicious eye."

But things get worse when Leandro presented them with gifts, and one of the gifts is two black bras for Ariela. Although he explained that Ariela requested the bras since she couldn't get any in Ethiopia and that his girlfriend picked them out, Biniyam was obviously bothered, though remained polite.

"I'm surprised that you didn't forget her size, you know?" he told him.

"The gift that Leandro brought is very inappropriate," he also told cameras. "For an engaged woman, to bring her a bra, I don't accept it at all."

Biniyam then bluntly asked them why they broke up since their relationship is so "wonderful." Ariela noted that they never had an actual breakup, but that she just never returned home. She said she believed they would eventually get back together, but then she met Biniyam while traveling. She asked Leandro if he was mad about the situation, and he admitted that he was for a moment, but it eventually passed.

Clearly, Ariela still had guilt over it and started crying.

"The time that I did that, I was too scared to talk directly because I didn't want to lose you," she said, acknowledging that Leandro was her back-up plan. "I wanted to keep the option open if maybe this new life I was thinking about didn't work out, I could go back to the life I was comfortable with -- which is f**ked up because you didn't deserve that and I'm sorry. I actually feel super bad about it. I was very confused."

Leandro told her he didn't hold grudges, but Ariela couldn't stop crying.

"It makes me sad, because I just feel like a s**t person," she said.

ET spoke to Ariela and Biniyam ahead of season 3 of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, and Ariela talked about why she and Leandro divorced.

"I think we got married when we were really young," she said. "I was 19 years old. So it was like, at that time I didn't even know what it really meant to get married. I just knew, like, 'Oh, I want to be with my best friend forever. I don't want us to be separated, so let's get married.' And I think we, as we grew older, we realized, like, there's so many things we didn't experience in life. And maybe staying together as husband and wife is not really the best thing for us. But I think we kind of explore it a little bit in the season, like, me and Leandro get a chance to kind of talk about it. And I get a good chance to kind of hear his perspective because I didn't really know at the time."

She teased that there could be "unresolved feelings" when it comes to Leandro.

"I definitely got to open up, like, when you see someone you haven't seen in a while and you're in a new relationship, it kind of does open up some thoughts," she said. "It kind of made me realize and focus on some of possibly the traits that I have, that I should work on. And then, it also made me feel bad because I started wondering maybe even though it's all over, are there still unresolved feelings maybe on his part? So we talked about, I think, a lot of that stuff for this season."