Leah Remini Claims Nicole Kidman's Daughter Called Her a 'F**king' Suppressive Person

The former Scientologist recalls a tense moment that allegedly happened with Bella Cruise.

Two years after leaving the Church of Scientology, Leah Remini has released a tell-all, Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology, that makes bombshell claims against the church and its most famous member, Tom Cruise.

Among the latest allegations to surface from the memoir, Remini writes about how Cruise’s adoptive children, Isabella and Connor, apparently viewed their mother, Nicole Kidman, following the couple’s divorce in 2001.

"I had always wondered why they didn't have a relationship with their mom, but I could never ask them, because there was always someone else around," Remini says. "Driving to the airport alone with them, I had my chance."

WATCH: Leah Remini Says Scientologists Are Deemed 'Evil' If They Are Critical of Tom Cruise

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The King of Queens actress claims that the siblings were “supervised by Sea Org members” and “often had their computers taken by the security force at [the Celebrity Centre] to make sure they weren't up to anything and to keep filters on so they couldn't go on any websites that might get them asking questions."

It wasn’t until Remini, along with husband, Angelo Pagan, allegedly shared an airport shuttle with Isabella and Connor after Cruise’s 2006 wedding to Kate Holmes that the actress claims she was able to ask them about Kidman. Remini says she asked the two teenagers, “How’s your mom? Do you see her a lot?”

"'Not if I have a choice,' Bella said. 'Our mom is a f--king SP,’” Remini claims. (“SP” is a Scientology term for “Suppressive Person.”)

WATCH: Leah Remini Claims Church of Scientology Wanted to Recruit Jennifer Lopez

Connor, now 20, “just looked out the window,” according to Remini. “There was something human about his silence and the sadness I felt in it,” she writes.

In September, Kidman told DuJour magazine that staying in touch with her “four children” -- Isabella and Connor, as well as her two children with husband Keith Urban -- is “very important.” Still, when 22-year-old Isabella reportedly married last month, neither Kidman nor Cruise were said to be in attendance.

Meanwhile, the Church of Scientology tells ET in a statement, “It comes as no surprise that someone as self-absorbed as Leah Remini with an insatiable craving for attention would exploit her former faith as a publicity stunt by rewriting her history with it, including omitting that she was participating in a program to remain a Scientologist by her own choice, as she was on the verge of being expelled for her ethical lapses.”

Now, watch Remini tear up while talking about how Holmes left Scientology “to protect her daughter”: