Tilda Swinton Naps In Glass Box at MOMA


Tilda Swinton Naps In Glass Box at MOMA

Tilda Swinton is a sleeping beauty. The A-list actress is trying her hand at performance art by napping in a glass box at New York's Museum of Modern Art (MOMA).

In an art piece call The Maybe, Swinton, 52, naps in a glass box while museum goers watch her. Swinton will be sleeping on random days throughout the month at unscheduled times. Her first stint was on Saturday where the Moonrise Kingdom starlet was seen wearing a light blue shirt and dark blue pants. We were really hoping for pajamas!

"Living artist, glass, steel, mattress, pillow, linen, water, and spectacles," the description card reads (via Reuters).

According to the news agency, the performance piece was first introduced in London in 1995 and will continue throughout this year. "The nature of the concept is that it not be announced in advance, nor publicized by the museum," museum spokeswoman Margaret Doyle said of the work.