Prince Harry Lauded for Aiding Injured Polo Player
The British Red Cross is praising Prince Harry for quickly springing into action to provide first aid to a fallen polo player during a recent charity match in Brazil.
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The prince's fellow competitor, Bash Kazi, fell off his horse face first and was knocked out cold while participating in the polo match in Campinas, Brazil on March 11.
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The Red Cross writer recalling the incident in a blog calls Harry a "top-notch" polo who "immediately leapt off his horse and ran over to provide some textbook first aid help." The injured player was lying face down in the grass when the 27-year-old prince gently rolled him over onto his side, which enables independent breathing.
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The blog commendation continues: "Given the prince is a veteran of Afghanistan and an active duty officer in the English Army, he's presumably had good training in basic trauma care -- so it's not surprising he knew what to do." The player himself later praised Harry as "a fabulous person" and "such a gentleman."