Richard Simmons Works Out Bad Health Rumors

Richard Simmons Works Out Bad Health Rumors

Richard Simmons has been the face of fitness for decades. But new concerns about the 63-year-old star's health following his appearance on Dancing with the Stars this week led the fitness guru to set the record straight for ET.

"I've never felt better," he tells Nancy O'Dell, following the segment on DWTS in which he helped to train Chaz Bono. "I get up in the morning at 4:30, embrace life. Thank god for blessings."

MORE: Watch: Richard Simmons Gets Fit to Fly

Richard says last October he was out of shape, but now he's lost the weight, going from 160 down to 138. He says he is not on any medication, and works out seven days a week.

As for his thinning hair, he explains, "I've had hair transplants, but you can only do so much, so I have 12 hairs left and I just spray them, toss them and make it look like a salad. I'm glad I have hair on my head, you know?"

MORE: Richard Simmons' Tips for Losing Holiday Weight

Richard is a busy bee, with a new reality show – Slimmons – in the works, a new two-DVD deal with Sony and regular cardio workout instruction at his Beverly Hills Slimmons Studio.

He has also sets his sights on America's youth, with a goal to fight childhood obesity with the Fit Kids Act.