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On Wednesday's episode, one of Oliver Queen's closest allies was revealed to be his most formidable foe.
An LA Film School student is reportedly suing the writers of 'Men In Black 3' for alleged plagiarism.
This was a truly amazing year for movies, with some of our greatest filmmakers -- including Ridley Scott, P.T. Anderson and Quentin Tarantino -- delivering some of their most stirring, challenging and entertaining films yet. We saw James Bond return after
E.T. phone home on Blu-ray! Prometheus arrives on 3D Blu-ray; Tom Cruise sings in Rock of Ages; Little Shop of Horrors; Hitchcock thrillers and more in this week's new releases.
Charlize Theron Plays with Fire in 'Prometheus'
The summer 2012 movie season is officially over with The Apparition and Premium Rush riding out the dog days of August. Which superhero movie was the biggest hit of the summer? Which film was the biggest box-office disappointment? Which was an indie surpr
'Prometheus' Sequel Moves Forward
'Blade Runner' Flashback: Was Deckard a Replicant?
ET to GO: 'Madagascar 3' Wins Box Office Again
'Madagascar 3' Tops Box Office Food Chain
'Madagascar 3' Tramples 'Prometheus'
ET Flashback: Charlize's 'Mighty' Monkey Business
ET to GO: 'Prometheus' Stars on Tight Spacesuits
Tight Spacesuits and Other 'Prometheus' Pursuits