'Parks & Rec' Stars Unite for Divorce Comedy
Parks and Recreation stars Adam Scott and Amy Poehler share the big screen with an all-star roster in the brand-new divorce comedy A.C.O.D., which was a festival hit at Sundance and is making its way to theaters this fall, and we have a first look at the trailer!
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First off, A.C.O.D. stands for Adult Children of Divorce. The film follows Scott's character, Carter, a successful and well-adjusted adult as he attempts to reunite his bitterly divorced parents (acrimoniously played by Richard Jenkins and Catherine O'Hara in spot-on performances) for the sake of his younger brother's (Clark Duke) somewhat abrupt wedding plans. Despite having a solid relationship with his supportive girlfriend (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), Carter finds distraction in another woman (Jessica Alba) and the chaos of the whole situation threatens to derail his sanity.
Poehler plays the young wife of Carter's father who is pretty much the same age as him, and Jane Lynch adds additional comic relief as a therapist who uses Carter's case as fodder for her books.
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Directed by Stuart Zicherman (ABC's Six Degrees) and co-written by Zicherman and Modern Family producer/writer Ben Karlin, A.C.O.D. hits theaters October 4.