Melissa McCarthy Recalls the Worst Part of Filming 'Gilmore Girls'

It wasn't the dialogue.

The fictional town of Stars Hollow wasn't exactly as magical as it appears on screen. Melissa McCarthy, who played lovable chef Sookie St. James on all seven seasons Gilmore Girls, recently opened up about one big downside to filming the mother-daughter dramedy starring Lauren Graham as Lorelai Gilmore and Alexis Bledel as her daughter, Rory Gilmore.

Though the show takes place in the fictional Connecticut town of Stars Hollow, it was actually filmed at the Warner Bros. Studio in Los Angeles, California, and the differences in climate proved to be a tricky challenge for the show's stars.

"Sometimes we were like crammed into small things with coats on but it was actually like 112 degrees in Burbank," the 52-year-old actress tells Entertainment Weekly of filming Gilmore Girls. "And we were like, 'Ooo, Connecticut.' And no one's explaining why I have malaria and why I'm in a full flop sweat."

McCarthy says that things got particularly bad while the cast was shooting the promotional poster for season 1.

'Gilmore Girls' cast
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"When we did our first poster, someone passed out," the Little Mermaid star shares. "Like, just out cold because we were all in coats and trying to look blustery. Sweat in weird places and they're like, 'Look cold!'"

As for where she thinks Sookie and her husband, Jackson (Jackson Douglas), would be today, she shares, "She has, like, 42 kids. I think they're growing weed. I think her and Jackson, she still cooks, but I think she does edibles."

In 2016 when the show was picked up for the Netflix reboot, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, there were reports that McCarthy had chosen not to appear.

At the time, McCarthy tweeted, "No one asked me or Sookie to come back to Stars Hollow. Wish them all the best!!"

Despite the drama, McCarthy did make a brief cameo in the final episode of the reboot.