'May December' Trailer: Julianne Moore Portrays a Mary Kay Letourneau-Inspired Character in Tense Drama

may december julianne moore charles melton

Julianne Moore and Natalie Portman face off in the tense drama about a woman's relationship with a young teen.

The official trailer for Todd Haynes' upcoming film, May December, explores a twisted personal drama, reminiscent of the real-life scandal between former teacher Mary Kay Letourneau and her 13-year-old student, Vili Fualaau. 

The film stars Natalie Portman as Elizabeth Berry, an actress who travels to Maine to spend time with the real-life character she'll be portraying in an upcoming film, a woman who made tabloid headlines for her relationship with a young teen.

Julianne Moore plays the woman, pet store employee Gracie Atherton-Yoo, who has since married and had kids with the now-grown student, Joe Yoo (Charles Melton), having given birth to one of their children while she was imprisoned for her crimes against the then-minor.

"It feels like things just settled down, and now y'all are making a movie," Gracie cautiously tells Elizabeth in the trailer.

From there, things begin to unravel, as Gracie resents Elizabeth's presence in their lives and the old feelings she wants them to bring up.

"Why can't we talk about it, if we're really as in love as we say we are?" Joe tearfully asks Gracie in one emotional scene.

Watch the full trailer below:

The film also stars D.W. Moffett, Piper Curda, Elizabeth Yu, Gabriel Chung, Cory Michael Smith, and Lawrence Arancio.

May December premieres in select theaters on Nov. 17 and on Netflix on Dec. 1.


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