Liam Hemsworth Continues to Terrify Miley Cyrus With Multiple Pranks

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth
Getty Images

The 28-year-old actor is quite the pranksters.

Miley Cyrus is always on her toes these days!

Her fiance, Liam Hemsworth, can’t seem to stop pranking her with videos in which he jumps out and scares her. Over the weekend, the 28-year-old actor shared a clip to Instagram, writing, “Please excuse Miley’s foul language. Got her good on this one. Almost felt bad… almost.” 

In the clip, Hemsworth hides in the dark on a porch before jumping out. After being spooked by her guy, Cyrus hides her face, exclaiming, “I hate you! You’re so f**king annoying.” 

Hemsworth grins, quipping, “That was a harsh one.” 

The pranks didn’t stop there! On Sunday, The Hunger Games star posted yet another video to Instagram Stories of himself in a parking garage. 

Instagram Stories

In the clip, Hemsworth slyly grins at the camera before sneaking up behind Cyrus, who is looking at her phone in a parked car. 

Though at first the 25-year-old singer looks scared, she doesn’t scream and even has a gotcha moment as she smirks at Hemsworth when he's unable to get an extreme response out of her. 

For more from the fun couple, watch the clip below: 


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