Levi Wright Remembered as 'Pure' and 'Tender' in Touching Obituary Shared by His Mom

Levi Wright's mom shared a link to the obituary on Friday, just days after Levi was removed from life support.

Levi Wright, the 3-year-old son of rodeo star Spencer Wright and Kallie Wright who tragically died on June 2 after he was taken off life support, is being remembered as an "exceptionally thoughtful" young boy in a touching obituary shared by his mother.

"Levi was exceptionally thoughtful and considerate for his age, he was constantly thinking of others," the obituary reads. "His heart was pure, tender and oversized. Levi loved his big sister, Steeley, and playing with her was one of his greatest joys. They were instant best friends. The verdict was still partially out on his baby brother, Brae, but Levi often asked to 'hold baby.' Levi was a die hard Grandma’s boy, always asking to go to Gamma’s house."

Affectionately known as "Beans," Levi enjoyed going to church and being his dad's right-hand man. 

"His Dad was who he looked up to most; he wanted to be just like him and was well on his way," the obituary featuring countless photos of Levi continued. "He had a passion for tractors, excavators, skid steers and all heavy equipment, even his music choice followed suit-he was always asking to play Big Green Tractor and The Excavator Song."

Levi died on June 2 after he was taken off life support following an accident two weeks prior, when he drove his electric toy tractor into a Utah river and nearly drowned. He had been hospitalized and was in critical condition due to his brain being deprived of oxygen for too long since the river accident on May 21.

According to a statement by the Beaver County Sheriff's Office at the time, Levi "had driven a toy tractor into a river and the reporting party had lost visual contact with the child." He was "quickly located" and received "life saving measures" before being transferred to a local hospital.

Kallie later shared in a Facebook post that the harrowing ordeal is something that'll haunt her for the rest of her life. In that post, she shared that the creek Levi drove his toy tractor into runs through the family's 24-acre property and connects to Levi's grandparents house, and it's a path they've crossed numerous times to avoid fast cars on the main road.

However, on the day of his accident, the water was unpredictable, and she said she took her eyes off of Levi before the accident happened.

"Levi did not do anything he hasn't done before, but this time the water was at its peak & strong enough to push his tractor off the road into the creek as he drove through," she wrote. "He asked me to ride his tractor and I explained that grandma wasn't home, he shouldn't drive through the creek or the road and just to ride around the house. As he drove off, I ran back in the house. That's a decision that will haunt me for the rest of my life."

The family's funeral plans will remain private.

Levi is survived by his parents, grandparents and two siblings.