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A complete guide to release dates, casting scoop and the latest news on the future of DC.
grandson + Jessie Reyez + Bloodsport = Must Listen
The Suicide Squad is available to stream on HBO Max now.
And what to expect from 'Peacemaker,' coming soon to HBO Max.
'His role is very small, but he gets the most important line of the movie.'
ET's Ash Crossan talks to Jai Courtney, Flula Borg and Nathan Fillion about 'The Suicide Squad,' in theaters and on HBO Max Aug. 6.
ET's Lauren Zima caught up with Margot Robbie at the premiere of 'The Suicide Squad,' in theaters and on HBO Max Aug. 6.
The actor donned his now-famous ensemble to the movie's big L.A. premiere.
ET's Lauren Zima caught up with John Cena at the premiere of 'The Suicide Squad,' in theaters and on HBO Max Aug. 6.
ET spoke with director James Gunn ahead of ‘The Suicide Squad,’ in theaters and on HBO Max Aug. 6.
ET spoke with Idris Elba and Daniela Melchior, about James Gunn’s take on 'The Suicide Squad.'
On leaving The Joker behind in 'The Suicide Squad' and when she'll play Harley Quinn next.
Plus, Gunn reveals the biggest difference between working for Marvel and DC.
ET spoke with the stars of ‘The Suicide Squad’ before it premieres in theaters and on HBO Max Aug. 6.