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Today, legendary comic actor Bill Murray turns 64. He has starred in some of the most iconic and timeless comedies in the history of film, and is a staple of pop culture adulation. In celebration of his illustrious career and his birthday, let's take a lo
Wes Anderson's The Grand Budapest Hotel checks into select theaters this Friday, his eighth feature-length film amid a myriad collection of commercials and shorts, and we're breaking down the hits and misses of his unique career trajectory.
The Grand Budapest Hotel checks in to theaters this weekend, and we're with a selection of the film's ensemble cast to talk about what makes a Wes Anderson set special; unique mustaches and birthmarks; and how the ultimate hotel necessity is a bidet?!
Wes Anderson's quirky Moonrise Kingdom is here; the crazy animals of Madagascar 3 hit the circus; Adam Sandler and Andy Samberg team up for the rowdy That's My Boy; Mad Men season five downs a drink; Looney Tunes go wild on Blu-ray and more this week.
The summer 2012 movie season is officially over with The Apparition and Premium Rush riding out the dog days of August. Which superhero movie was the biggest hit of the summer? Which film was the biggest box-office disappointment? Which was an indie surpr
Bruce Willis Takes Charge in 'Moonrise Kingdom'
Cannes Film Festival Reveals Opening Film