Kanye West Explains Why 'Jesus Is King' Once Again Didn't Drop When It Was Supposed To

Kanye West
Gilbert Carrasquillo/GC Images

The rapper took to Twitter an hour after his new album was supposed to come out to explain that they were still 'fixing mixes.'

Twitter exploded just after midnight on the East Coast when Kanye West's hotly anticipated album Jesus Is King -- which was really, truly, no, seriously, supposed to drop at midnight -- didn't actually get released.

Many fans were left disappointedconfused and mad -- both at West, and at themselves for believing West -- and took to Twitter to voice their loud, meme-filled consternation over the total lack of new music.

Despite promising that Jesus Is King would drop at midnight in a tweet sent Thursday afternoon --  a level of commitment that made this time seem more real than the other times the album was supposed to drop over the past two months -- West revealed, more than an hour after the fact, that the album still needed work and that he was busy fixing it.

"To my fans, Thank you for being loyal & patient," West wrote. "We are specifically fixing mixes on 'Everything We Need' 'Follow God' & 'Water.'"

"We not going to sleep until this album is out!" West added.

While it's unclear whether or not that means that West and his team will actually be working through the night to still get the album out on Oct. 25 is unclear. 

What is clear is how much effort and work has already gone into the album, especially for those working with West who were apparently asked to adhere to some pretty unusual rules.

Hours before Jesus Is King was supposed to drop, West sat down for a lengthy interview with Beats 1's Zane Lowe on Apple Music where he opened up about the strict conditions he asked those close to him to work under while making the album. One of those conditions was to abstain from premarital sex. 

"I was asking people to fast during the album. There were times where I was asking people not to have premarital sex while they were working on the album," he shared, acknowledging how "radical" the request was.

"There were times where I went to people that were working on other projects and said, 'Can you just work and focus on this?'" he added. "I thought if we could all focus and fast -- families who pray together stay together."

Check out the video below to hear more about the long-awaited album.