Justin Theroux Admits He's Sometimes Confused With Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Jimmy Kimmel decided to hilariously incorporate all things Canadian for the actor's visit!

No, Justin Theroux is NOT the prime minister of Canada!

The 47-year-old leading man paid a visit to Jimmy Kimmel Live on Tuesday, where he did admit that, from time to time, he has been confused with Justin Trudeau, the leader of the U.S.'s neighbor to the north.

“I get it. It doesn’t happen to me in life,” he explained. “It happens in an online context or in my DMs or someone is outraged that [Trudeau] slighted Trump and they’ll say Justin Theroux should pay for his crimes.”

Nevertheless, the late-night talk show host offered Theroux a proper Canadian welcome. When he walked out, the Canadian flag appeared behind him and supposed Canadian audience members cheered with French signs.

Once he was seated, Theroux and Kimmel did shots of maple syrup. Afterward, the actor was offered Tim Hortons donuts from Canadian mounties and a Maple Leafs fan in a moose head even showed up! 

All the hilarious pageantry prompted Theroux to ask the host what happens when Justin Bieber, who is actually a Canadian citizen, comes by the show.

“Oh, he doesn’t come, no no,” Kimmel responded with a laugh. “He doesn’t care for me but if he does come, we will have a big thing for him.”

Theroux was on hand to promote his upcoming drama, On the Basis of Sex, which depicts a young Ruth Bader Ginsburg's (played by Felicity Jones) gender discrimination lawsuit brought before the Supreme Court in the 1970s. He plays Mel Wulf, the leader of the ACLU at the time. However, Theroux admitted that he never got the chance to meet the real Ginsburg in the process.

"No, she did not come to anything," he clarified. "I don't know if they're allowed to do that necessarily... I don't know. What's the rules for the Supreme Court?"

"I think they make rules," Kimmel responded. "Even if there was a rule, they could change it!"

Check out the full chat above.