Jimmy Kimmel's Annual Halloween Candy Prank Produces Foot Stomping and Tantrums

Jimmy Kimmel and kids

The 'I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy' challenge proved just as hilarious in 2020.

Jimmy Kimmel tried to spare youngsters of even more 2020 trauma, but parents decided to continue the late-night host's tradition of telling their kids that they ate all their Halloween candy! On Monday night's Jimmy Kimmel Live, the host said, "This year we decided not to do it because kids have suffered enough. And, guess what, the parents went ahead and did it anyway, so what the hell, here it is." 

Following in the footsteps of Kimmel's past "I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy" challenges, parents submitted reaction videos of their children after telling them they ate all of their Halloween candy. 

As per years past, the kids react with screams, tantrums, foot stomping, and even putting buckets on their heads. One little girl invokes the teachings of Jesus while another tragically sobs, "It was mine! It was special!" 

But some of the kids aren't fooled by their parents' tricks. 

"You did not eat all my Halloween candy and I already know that because you do it every year," one little boy tells his laughing dad. "Get toasted, boy."