Jamie Spears Wants Britney Spears to Sit for a Deposition and Sets Deadline for Response

Jamie Spears' lawyer fired off the letter to Britney's lawyer, and he'd like an answer by next week.

Jamie Spears' lawyer fired off a letter to Britney Spears' legal team requesting that the pop singer sit for a deposition.

In the letter, obtained by ET, Jamie's attorney, Alex Weingarten, writes to Britney's attorney, Mathew Rosengart, "We write to advise that we intend to depose your client and would like to discuss a mutually agreeable date to conduct the deposition."

Weingarten also says they can "discuss scheduling Mr. Spears' deposition with you and work with you to find a mutually agreeable date for that to proceed as well." Jamie's attorney also proposes that Jamie's deposition be conducted first.

"Ideally, we would agree to conduct these depositions in early March, with them either occurring on consecutive days or at least the same week." Should Rosengart agree to Jamie's request, Weingarten proposes formalizing the schedule through a stipulation and court order "so that we are all under a Court order to appear for the depositions as noticed." Weingarten proposes this "to avoid any issues or problems."

Furthermore, Weingarten asks Rosengart if he is "authorized to accept service of a subpoena on behalf of Sherine Ebadi." Ebadi is the former FBI special agent who, via a declaration filed in court by Rosengart, concluded Jamie "used his role as Conservator to enrich himself and those loyal or useful to him, often at the expense and against the best interests of his own daughter, whose assets, welfare, and best interests he was supposed to protect."

Ebadi -- now an associate managing director of an L.A.-based forensic intelligence firm -- also declared that she "corroborated" the claim that, under the direction of Jamie Spears, a security company was instructed "to place a secret recording device in Ms. Spears' bedroom."

Weingarten's letter to Rosengart ends with, "if we have not heard from you regarding these matters by the close or business day on Friday, February 4, 2022, we will proceed unilaterally." 

It's unclear at this time what questions Jamie's legal team plans to ask Britney should she agree to a deposition.

During the battle over her conservatorship, which has since been terminated after 13 years, Britney alleged Jamie and his team had a tight rein over her finances, her career, her personal life and even her reproductive decisions. She also told the court she was forced to have an IUD so that she couldn't have children and has not been permitted to marry.