Jamie Lee Curtis Supports De-Gendering Acting Categories at Oscars 2023: 'Mother of a Trans Daughter'

'As the mother of a trans daughter, I completely understand,' Curtis said.

Jamie Lee Curtis expressed support for the push to de-gender acting categories following her win for Best Supporting Actress at the 2023 Oscars.  

"As the mother of a trans daughter, I completely understand," Curtis said of the question regarding the gendering of Best Actor and Actress categories. "In all the areas, in all the branches...we're not anywhere near there." 

Curtis also acknowledged the difficulty of still maintaining opportunities for women while expanding categories to include the larger gender spectrum. 

"To de-gender the category, I'm also concerned will diminish the opportunities for more women, which is something I have also been working hard to promote," Curtis said. "So, it's a complicated question, but I think the most important thing is inclusivity and more women." 

Curtis was visibly shocked by her Oscars win on Sunday, and took time to thank the community of people who supported her journey. 

"I know it looks like I'm standing up here by myself, but I am not. I am hundreds of people," she said before mentioning her fellow cast and crew, her "dream team," her family, the supporters of the "genre movies" she's made, and her late parents, emotionally telling them all, "We just won an Oscar."

The accolade also caps off a welcome resurgence for Curtis, who first appeared on screen in 1978's Halloween before reprising the role of Laurie Strode 40 years later in a trilogy that completed her character's arc in the horror franchise. Since then, she's earned rave reviews for her turn as IRS inspector Deirdre Beaubeirdre in EEAAO.

Keep checking back into ETonline.com for complete Oscars coverage including all the night's big winners.