Lola Kirke and Ben Mendelsohn co-star in the dramedy about love, sex and dating -- and not necessarily in that order.
Jamie Dornan is back to having sex on the big screen, although not of the whips and chains variety. In Untogether, he plays a famed doctor and author, Nick, whose one-night stand with struggling writer and recovering addict Andrea (Girls' Jemima Kirke) gets messy when they wonder if they could be something more.
"We have great sex, what do you think it means?" Andrea asks Nick in this exclusive trailer.
"Don't do that," he warns her. "Like you?" she says. "Why? Does it make you like me less?"
Kirke's real-life younger sister, Lola (Mozart in the Jungle), plays her onscreen sister, Tara, who's dealing with relationship woes of her own with her Aussie rock star boyfriend (Ben Mendelsohn). Alice Eve and Billy Crystal also co-star in writer-director Emma Forrest's dramedy, in theaters and available on VOD on Feb. 8.