How 'Love Is Blind' Inspired a Fan to Propose After Binge-Watching the Series While Quarantined (Exclusive)

Love Is Blind
Jillian Barnett

ET exclusively spoke with the newly engaged couple on Wednesday.

There's no better time than right now to binge-watch a show like Love Is Blind, when people across the globe are being asked to stay inside their homes to prevent further spread of COVID-19, commonly known as coronavirus.

It seems like everyone is getting creative with finding ways to quarantine, and for one fan in Huntington, New York, he used the downtime to propose to his girlfriend, Love Is Blind style! It all went down after the two finished streaming the Netflix series, and decided to have some fun by pretending they were on their own blind date in the pods.

ET exclusively spoke with the newly engaged couple -- Jillian Barnett and Greg Teatom, both 29 -- on Wednesday, where they shared all the details on the epic proposal, and how their obsession with the Love Is Blind dating experiment came to be.

"I first heard about Love Is Blind from one of my co-workers who said it was so addicting and that I had to watch it," Jillian explained. "We started watching it right after New York got hit with the coronavirus and we began quarantine. Just like everyone else, we were hooked after the first episode!"

Jillian Barnett

It wasn't long before Jillian and Greg fell in love with the suitors on the show, especially fan-favorite couple Lauren Speed and Cameron Hamilton. "The couple that is most similar to Greg and I would have to be Cameron and Lauren. I think they make a great team!" Jillian exclaimed. "They both communicate really well and support each other. You can see how their differences really complement one another."

Similar to Lauren's relationship with Cameron, Jillian said that she and Greg are "best friends" and each other's "biggest cheerleaders" in life. Knowing that he wanted Jillian to be his forever love, Greg (heavily influenced by the show), took a cue from Cameron and got down on one knee on Friday.

"The idea of going into our own pods was actually a last-ditch effort. My original plan was to go to upstate New York in Rhinebeck and propose in a park overlooking the Hudson," Greg revealed. "Due to the virus, however, the hotel canceled my reservation. My next plan was to then do it in Montauk, but when we woke up that day, Jill was feeling kind of tired and didn't want to do the drive out East."

"Next, I was thinking we could take a walk with our golden retriever, Hampton, down to the beach, but she wasn’t up for that that. So, the idea of the pods came out of desperation that I had this ring and the woman I loved and I just had to propose to her!" he gushed. "Once we were on other sides of the door, I asked maybe one question before our puppy decided he couldn't wait anymore and pushed the door open! I immediately got down on one knee and asked her to marry me."

Jillian of course said "yes," but admitted that she was in complete shock. She told ET that when Greg suggested they "get dressed" and "pretend" they were on Love Is Blind, she thought he was just "being really crazy" from all of the isolation.

"Because we had nothing else to do at home and he seemed so excited about it, I decided to play along, having absolutely no idea that he was planning to propose," Jillian recalled. "We were only in the 'pods' for a few minutes, until he asked me how I would feel if he told me he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. Playing along, my response was, 'Well, I would say that was pretty quick of you to say considering you haven't met me yet.' Then he told me to come out, and to my surprise, he was down on one knee!"

"I 100 percent thought he was kidding," she confessed. "It wasn't until I saw the ring and noticed that it was exactly the one I had always imagined that I realized, 'Oh my god, is this really real!'"

Jillian said that although she wasn't wearing any makeup and didn't have her nails done for the video, she couldn't have imagined a more perfect proposal.

"The rush of emotions I felt in that moment ... it was by far the happiest moment of my life thus far," she shared. "I'm so happy it was just the two of us and our puppy in the comfort of our own home."

Jillian Barnett

Because of the quarantine, Jillian and Greg have only been able to see their parents following the exciting news, but told ET that they celebrated with some champagne and plenty of video calls with extended family members and friends.

"We actually weren't planning on posting the video on social media, but so many of our close friends told us this was the best news they heard all week and it brought a smile to their face," explained Jillian, who is a physician's assistant at a hospital in New York. "Given all the uncertainty and panic that is going on in our world with COVID-19, we decided to post it to hopefully spread a little joy and positivity!"

"Strangers have said things like, 'Thank you for sharing such happy news during a time like this,' and 'This made my day, thank you so much,'" she added. "It has really been amazing to see and feel all the love and support."

Plus, Jillian and Greg were even more excited after receiving a special shout-out from someone on the show!

"Cameron actually commented on my video congratulating us and wishing us the best," Jillian revealed. "It was so sweet of him!"

Jillian Barnett

Last week, ET spoke with Lauren and Cameron, who gave fans some tips and tricks on how to date/maintain a relationship while quarantined.

"The thing about being together all the time is, I feel like everybody needs a break now and then," Lauren admitted. "So I feel like it's OK to communicate with your partner, like, 'Hey, I'm going to take 'x amount' of time and just have some me time... go into a different room, close the door. I gave myself, like, a mini spa night last night. I went to the bathroom, closed the door, gave myself a facial. Cam gave me my space and it was great."

"Even though we're stuck together, I feel like that me time, that individual time, is super important," she continued. "Especially times like this, when it's kind of dark, if you will, there's a lot of mental health stuff [going on]. You just gotta make sure you're good too, outside of just being with someone else."

Cameron chimed in, suggesting that when you and partner do spend time together, "mix it up."

"We've been taking the dogs on walks, making funny videos together, watching movies," he revealed. "Just a little variety in what you guys do together."

"We found structure has helped, too," he added. "Setting a schedule, like what a normal workday would be."

Hear more in the video below.