Exclusive: How Gargamel Was Made

Exclusive: How Gargamel Was Made

The Smurfs has made more than half a billion dollars worldwide, ensuring no one involved with the live-action animated adventure is feeling blue.

But star Hank Azaria, who played the nefarious Gargamel, certainly had his share of exasperated mornings as he sat in the makeup chair for the hours it took to bring the character to life.

Whether it was prosthetics, liver spots or fake teeth, Azaria's entire head was covered in some sort of movie magic during the shoot and a behind-the-scenes featurette (off the DVD) reveals exactly what it took to create Gargamel.

A process that Azaria jokes made him feel like an '86 Honda.

Check out ETonline's exclusive sneak peek of the mini-doc and don't forget to pick up your copy of The Smurfs when it hits DVD and Blu-ray on December 2!

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