Heather Locklear's Boyfriend Chris Heisser Pleads Guilty to Driving Over Legal Alcohol Limit

Angela Weiss/Getty Images

Heisser was arrested on DUI charges in February, hours after Locklear's arrest for an incident at home.

Chris Heisser has pleaded guilty. 

According to the Superior Court of California, Heather Locklear's boyfriend entered a guilty plea on Wednesday on one count of driving with a blood alcohol level over the legal limit, stemming from his February arrest.  Two additional charges of driving under the influence were dismissed by the court.

Heisser was arrested by California Highway Patrol in Thousand Oaks, California, on Feb. 26, just a few hours after Locklear was arrested after an incident at home involving Heisser. She is facing four counts of misdemeanor battery on an officer and one charge of resisting or obstructing an officer from the incident. She pleaded not guilty in April. 

Heisser, meanwhile, has been placed on formal probation lasting 36 months. Under his probation, he is not allowed to leave the country for more than 72 hours, or leave the state without permission from his parole officer. Furthermore, he may “not drink or possess any alcoholic beverages” or “be where alcohol is the chief item of sale,” such as a bar.

Driving with any amount of alcohol in his system could be considered a violation of his parole. Heisser, who is also obligated to enroll and complete a nine-month licensed DUI program, is required to “submit to and complete tests of breath, blood, urine, or saliva, when requested by a peace officer or probation officer.”

Apart from his parole, Heisser is also expected to pay a fine of $2,377 as well as additional court fees, for a total $3,273.48. 

Locklear was arrested again last month on charges of misdemeanor battery upon an officer and emergency personnel, a week after she was hospitalized following an emergency call to police. A source told ET, however, that Locklear was planning to head back to rehab. See more in the video below. 

Reporting by Zach Seeymayer. 


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