Drew Barrymore Wants to Invent an 'Orgasmatron' and Gwyneth Paltrow Is Here for It

Gwyneth Paltrow Drew Barrymore
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The actresses and their pal, Cameron Diaz, let 'InStyle' listen in on their conversation.

Drew Barrymore may already have one investor interested in her invention.

The 43-year-old actress lets InStyle listen in on her conversation with pals Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz, and the trio are quite candid about their dream products.

"If I could invent something that would help people forgive themselves, I think that would be the best beauty treatment of all time," Paltrow says. 

This leads Barrymore to pitch her own brilliant idea. "I’d have to come up with the f**king Orgasmatron to match the importance of that," she quips.

Paltrow, replies, "I like that. I want that."

In addition to sharing their inventions, the women also can't help but gush over one another. "There are many things that I admire about you, but one of my favorites is the way you go through life with ruthless optimism and freedom. And you’re so funny," Paltrow compliments Barrymore. "Every time I’m with you I marvel at the things that come out of your mouth — sometimes so funny and so dirty and then sometimes so profound."

The 45-year-old actress adds, "When we were talking about having kids and the impact that it had on us, you said something I use to this day: 'I was born the day they were born.' It always gives me goose bumps. You’ll just say something that will knock the wind out of me."

Barrymore then admits to her friend, "You are my beauty crush because you talk a lot about how we can better ourselves: How do we go through life more educated, more in touch with each other? I don’t think a lot of people can put a level of spirituality into their brands and have it feel so f**king on point."

Paltrow certainly isn't just Barrymore's "beauty crush." Back in June, the mother of two went on a glamorous vacation in Capri with fiance Brad Falchuk, and stunned in a teeny orange bikini. 

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