Daniel Radcliffe Plans a Prison Break in 'Escape From Pretoria' Trailer (Exclusive)

Director Francis Annan's thriller tells the true story of South African political captives.

Daniel Radcliffe is a long way from Azkaban in the upcoming prison break drama, Escape From Pretoria -- and ET can exclusively debut the first trailer.

Director Francis Annan's thriller is based on Inside Out: Escape From Pretoria Prison, Tim Jenkin's autobiography about his time as an anti-segregation activist in the 1978 apartheid days of South Africa.

"Growing up under apartheid meant a life built on lies and indifference," Jenkin (as played by Radcliffe) says in the clip. "Unless we got up from our privileged white lives and did something, our words were meaningless."

When Jenkin is sentenced to 12 years in prison, he and a fellow political captive (The Punisher's Daniel Webber) set about orchestrating their escape. The true story involves clandestinely-made keys, tumultuous prison alliances and an unbreakable will to fight.

"Fail? Get 25 years if you're lucky," he's told. "A bullet in the head if you're not."

Escape From Pretoria is in theaters and available digitally and on VOD on March 6.

Courtesy of Momentum Pictures
Courtesy of Momentum Pictures
Courtesy of Momentum Pictures