Daisy Ridley on How Time Jump Affects Rey in 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' (Exclusive)

Star Wars Celebration: Daisy Ridley on How Time Jump Affects Rey in 'Episode IX'
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The actress also teased Rey sharing the screen with Kelly Marie Tran's character, Rose Tico.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will pick up with a time jump after The Last Jedi -- but that doesn't mean Rey's learned everything she needs to know to defeat the First Order. 

"The confidence level is higher, I would say, but also, there's a lot to learn in Star Wars world, so even with a time jump, you could never fit in all of the learning that anyone needs to do into that time," star Daisy Ridley told ET's Ash Crossan at Star Wars Celebration on Friday. "So, there's growth and there's also room for growth."

Episode IX was the first panel of the event in Chicago, Illinois, with director J.J. Abrams keeping tight-lipped on details of the time jump. "Some time has gone by," he teased. "What I will say is this is an adventure that the group goes on together. One of the great things about the movie was the dynamic between the characters. They are just the most wonderful together."

A teaser released on Friday shows Rey, Poe (Oscar Isaac) and Finn (John Boyega) all together on that adventure. Ridley told ET she's glad the idea of friendship was emphasized over a love storyline for her character. 

"The thing for me that was always really exciting is I never felt like there was a specified sort of love that we were portraying. So the relationship between Finn, Rey and Poe in this one, I felt amazing. It's friendship, it's family, and it's just a lovely sort of thing," she shared. "I also think that's nice in a film way to not necessarily have an overt 'This is friendship. This is love.' It's just all a beautiful collection of people."

The actress was also happy to get some screen time with Kelly Marie Tran's Rose Tico. "It was so nice to work with Kelly, it was awesome," she raved, as Tran also expressed her excitement over working together. 

Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images for Disney

"I don't know how much I can say, because J.J.'s like, 3 feet away from me, but I will say that I'm really excited for everyone to sort of see these characters back in action, and to see the way that their relationships have grown," Tran said. "It's going to be really exciting."

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on Dec. 20.