Claire Danes' Husband Hugh Dancy Will Guest Star in Final Season of 'Homeland'

Hugh Dancy
Walter McBride/Getty Images

Here's the role the veteran actor will be talking on.

Homeland is about to become a family affair.

Hugh Dancy, husband to the show’s star, Claire Danes, will have a recurring guest role in the eighth and final season of the acclaimed Showtime program, ET has learned.

The Hannibal star will be portraying John Zabel, a consultant that the White House takes on to assist with foreign policy matters, making him an immediate adversary of Saul Berenson (Mandy Patinkin), who is now National Security Advisor.

When the show returns, Carrie Mathison (Danes) is on the mend after spending months in a hellish Russian work camp. Although she is physically improving, her memory of the ordeal has not come into focus.

Saul went to Afghanistan to head up peace talks with the Taliban. However, Kabul is a nest of vipers, so, against medical advice, he turns to Carrie to help him navigate the treacherous situation. 

Dancy and Danes welcomed a son in late August. They are already parents to a 6-year-old boy. 

Walter McBride/WireImage

In the final days of her second pregnancy, the 39-year-old actress appeared on the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallonwhere discussed filming season seven while in the first trimester of her pregnancy, or as she called it, her “least favorite phase.”

“You just feel horrible. You just feel rotten and you’re not allowed to say why,” she told the late-night host. “I was filming quite a lot and just inadvertently falling asleep all the time. It was just embarrassing.”

Later, she joked that she “face-planted” on a crocheted bag between takes, which meant the crew had to somehow get her looking like herself again before they resumed filming.

“I have this crocheted indentation all on the side of my face. It looked like I had third-degree burns,” she said of the marks. “They were massaging my face. They had to get out the blow dryer. I halted production for a good half an hour. I felt like an idiot.”