Christie Brinkley Encourages Wendy Williams to 'Be Kind' Following Claims She Faked Her 'DWTS' Injury

The supermodel responded to William's accusations during Thursday's episode of 'The Talk.'

Christie Brinkley isn't here for Wendy Williams' cruel comments.

During her appearance on Thursday's The Talk, the supermodel defended herself while responding to Wendy's claims that the injuries she suffered during a Dancing With the Stars rehearsal "looked fake as hell." Christie is out for the rest of the season, but her 21-year-old daughter, Sailor Brinkley-Cook, has happily teamed up with pro Val Chmerkovskiy to take her mom's place in the competition. 

"Wendy Williams started this rumor, which was stunning to me because I've been on Wendy's show a couple of times," Christie explained, recalling some of the past conversations she's had with Wendy. "For some reason she liked me, and she would call on me to support her in tough times. So, I got a call one day that she was having a terrible bout of stage fright, and she was about to drop out of Chicago The Musical, and would I come over and talk to her. I was like, 'You will never meet a more supportive and loving cast. You will love this experience and you will regret it if you don't do it.'"

"I was there for her. Then she goes through a divorce, and I get a call again," continued Christie, who went through four divorces of her own. "I get a call again, because let's face it, I'm kind of an expert in that. I came again and was like, 'I'm going to help you.'"

Because of their former bond, Brinkley said she "thought it was a mistake" when she first heard the news about Wendy's claims. Co-host Sharon Osbourne then chimed in, saying, "You know what I want to do now? I want to show Wendy your x-rays."

As the images appeared on the screen behind her, Christie explained the severity of her injuries. 

"I didn't just break the [bones]... because of the angle I hit, they shattered," she shared, holding up her cast and showing the bruises around her elbow to the camera. "My surgery, that was supposed to take an hour and a half, ended up taking three hours, and they ended up putting in a plate."

Co-host Carrie Ann Inaba (who is a judge on DWTS), then asked Christie what message she wants to send to Wendy.

"My message to Wendy is, it's so much more fun to be kind," she replied. "Try it. It can't feel good to try to hurt other people. If it feels good, something's seriously wrong."

Meanwhile, Sailor was in Los Angeles practicing her week two dance with Val. ET crashed their rehearsal, where Sailor also reacted to Wendy's allegations.

"It's so insane to me," Sailor said. "I can't even find comments because it's so real to me, the emotions are still so new."

"Getting that call from my mom [about her injury] ... she was sobbing, crying," Sailor continued. "She was so disappointed because she couldn't do it anymore. She wasn't even crying because she was hurt, she was like, 'I let everyone down. I won't be able to keep going on Dancing With the Stars.'"

Hear more in the video below.