Chrissy Teigen Takes After Gwyneth Paltrow and Tries Vaginal Steaming


The mother of two posted an all-too-real photo of her spa day.

Chrissy Teigen has decided to give vaginal steaming a try.

The 32-year-old model took to Instagram on Monday to show off her new beauty treatment, which was made popular by Gwyneth Paltrow.

"Face mask / heat pad / vagina steam,” she captioned the snap. “No I don’t know if any of this works but it can’t hurt, right? *vagina dissolves*”

For her spa day, Teigen -- who gave birth to her second child, son Miles, last month -- is seen wearing a white sheet mask on her face while sitting on the vaginal steamer with a heating pad around her neck and a towel over her lap.

Paltrow first brought attention to the “golden ticket” treatment at the Los Angeles-based Tikkun Spa with a post on her lifestyle site, Goop, in 2015.

"You sit on what is essentially a mini-throne, and a combination of infrared and mugworth steam cleanses your uterus, et al," the 45-year-old actress explained of the Mugworth V-Steam, which at the time cost about $50 per half hour. "It is an energetic release — not just a steam douche — that balances female hormone levels."

After facing some initial backlash for recommending the treatment, Paltrow defended her post to Fast Company later that year. "This is a thousands-of-years-old practice in Korean spas," she said. “It feels good … it's not like we're urging people to go out and buy AK-47s."

Here's more on unique beauty treatment:



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