Caroline Kennedy's Son Jack Schlossberg Gets John F. Kennedy Jr. Comparison With New Shirtless Pic

Jack Schlossberg and John F. Kennedy Jr
Nathan Congleton/NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via Getty Images via Getty Images/Brownie Harris/Corbis via Getty Images

The lawyer looks just like his late uncle.

Jack Schlossberg is drawing comparisons to his uncle. On Tuesday, the 30-year-old son of Caroline Kennedy and Edwin Schlossberg took to Instagram to share pics of himself, and fans were quick to point out his physical similarities to John F. Kennedy Jr., his mom's late brother.

The photos show a shirtless Jack having a great time at the beach as he hangs out with friends and snorkels. It wasn't the stunning scenery that was the talk of the comments, but rather the likeness Jack shares with his uncle, who died in a 1999 plane crash.

"Oh my God, he looks soo much like his uncle . For a second I thought it JFK Junior," one commenter marveled, with another concurring by referencing JFK Jr.'s nickname, writing, "John John is Back!"

A third commenter called the resemblance between the two men "astounding," while another wrote that the lawyer is as "handsome as" the late son of John F. Kennedy.

"OMG you scared me!" another commenter quipped. "I thought you were JFK Junior!!"

John F. Kennedy Jr.
Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

Jack, who's the grandson of the late John and Jacqueline Kennedy, is a Harvard Law graduate. He is the youngest of his parents' three children, as he has two older sisters, Tatiana, 33, and Rose, 34.




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