'Big Brother' Season 23: Third Houseguest Gets the Boot

After a quiet week with few surprises, Thursday's eviction went down just as planned.

Caution: Spoilers ahead!

The Big Brother house has lost another resident. Thursday night saw another houseguest get the boot after a surprising week filled with overconfidence and well-executed plans.

If you're anxious to just see who got kicked out, scroll down below. But first, it's important to see just how this eviction played out over the last week.

This season of Big Brother has some exceptionally gifted players who know how to keep their heads down, when to show their true colors, and how to build strong alliances.

And then, there's Brent Champagne.

After making quick friends with the now-evicted Brandon "Frenchie" French in the first week, Brent explained that he's often underestimated because people think he's just a show-off and a handsome face. He argued that he's actually a quiet, introspective person with a rich inner life.

After Frenchie's eviction last week, Xavier Prather became the new Head of Household, and for reasons that are largely unknowable, Brent decided that he would generally brag about how smart and handsome he is, and how it's hard for women to be friends with him because they inevitably develop feelings for him.

Unbeknownst to Brent, this sort of behavior rubbed his fellow houseguests the wrong way, and when it came time to nominate two people for eviction, Xavier chose Brent first -- and then Britini D'Angelo, because she's the only other person with whom Xavier is not in an alliance with.

It also marked Britini's second week in a row that she's on the chopping block, which she took very personally.

While nearly everyone in the house conspired against Brent all week -- and were already celebrating getting rid of him -- Brent seemingly had no idea. In fact, he misread the room so badly, he said he felt bad for Britini because he was sure she'd be going home.

During Wednesday's episode, Xavier, Brent and Britini -- along with Christian Birkenberger, Derek Frazier and Whitney Williams -- competed in the Veto Competition. The challenge included spinning in a circle until dizzy and then throwing a bowling ball down an oversized lane to hit specifically numbered pins.

Before the game began, Xavier and Christian made a pact that if either of them won they wouldn't use the power of veto, so Brent and Britini would stay on the block. It was Brent's only shot at staying in the house -- and he ended up getting eliminated.

In fact, the last two competitors to make it to the end of the veto challenge were Xavier and Christian, meaning their plan went off without a hitch. Christian ended up taking home the win, and earning the golden Power of Veto medallion.

In a moment of surprisingly delectable dramatic irony, Brent -- who still was sure he had the support of most of the house -- told Christian NOT to use the veto to save him (which Christian wasn't planning on doing anyway). Instead, Brent had it in his head that, at Thursday's eviction, he would pull off one of the most shocking upsets in Big Brother history when he ended up staying and Britini ended up getting the axe.

The confidence shocked many of the houseguests into fits of laughter when Christian later related the story to his alliance members, and he wound up doing exactly what Brent wanted -- he kept the nominations the same.

Then it all came down to the wire, but not before Brent and Britini got to say their final words to their houseguests.

"Houseguests, I love this game. I love all of you. If you allow me to continue making memories in this house, I promise to be the sunshine on your darkest days, the light at the end of every single hallway, even if it is dark, and your dance buddy for life so we can dance the night away," Britini expressed." So when you vote, please vote for me to stay so we can continue to play. Thank you very much."

As for Brent, he said, "Houseguests, look at us, who would have thought? Definitely not me" as the houseguests laughed. "Seriously though, in this game, a lot of people say and it doesn't match what they do. I'm a firm believer that actions speak louder than words...and my actions match my words, and hopefully you can find a little value in that. If not, we have fun, don't we?"

Brent's words, however, didn't give anyone a change of heart as the final votes for him to be evicted were 11 to 0.

"It's a game, guys," Brent said as he said goodbye to the houseguest. "Don't worry about it."

As he exited the house and sat down with Julie he expressed that he was "not shocked."

"To be honest, I'm not shocked. It's the right play, if you don't get me out, I was going to create a lot of havoc in the house," he expressed. "It is a game of betrayal. I had a target on my back since day one. It doesn't go away naturally."

As for why he got the boot, he said, "I'm a strong personality, and obviously physically people have said since day one I look like a threat. Those things just don't go away from people's perception of the game. I haven't even done anything to prove I'm a physical threat. I've thrown up, did a couple of memory comps but that was it. For people to say I was an amazing competitor before I even got to compete, I thought it was just the easy way of putting a target on my back and trying to get me out as fast as possible."

He also expressed that it did not surprise him that his own team turned on him, and that he lobbied for the veto not to be used on him because he knew he was still a target.

"Because me taking myself off with the veto would have gave me nothing besides one more week of safety," he said. "I've already been targeted by a lot of people in the house before, so it wasn't going to change."

The night, however, wasn't over as they had to chose a new Head of Household. After a competition between all the teams, Christian was victorious. He and his team are now safe for the week.

Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. For more, watch below.