Andrew Parker Bowles Tests Positive for Coronavirus After Spending Time With Royal Family

Andrew Parker Bowles and Princess Anne
Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

The ex-husband of Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, thinks he contracted the virus at the Cheltenham Festival.

Someone in close relation to the royal family has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Andrew Parker Bowles, the 80-year-old ex-husband of Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, told The Telegraph that he has tested positive for the coronavirus. 

Parker Bowles believes he contracted the disease at the Cheltenham Festival two weeks ago, where he was seen spending time and interacting with several members of the royal family. According to The Telegraph, hundreds of racegoers who attended the festival have reported symptoms since the event controversially went on before the British government's lock down.

“I probably got it on the Wednesday or Friday. I attended Cheltenham," he told the British publication. “I’ve felt pretty bloody awful with it. It’s better in the mornings and gets worse as the day goes on. I’ve had a bad cough and I’ve been very lethargic. I’m sleeping twice as long as normal.”

Parker Bowles was seen kissing Princess Anne and her daughter, Zara Phillips, who was photographed with her hand on his shoulder at the event. 

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Fans of The Crown and historians alike know that the princess was rumored to have dated Parker Bowles in the early 1970s. He has remained a close friend to the family, even after he and Camilla divorced in 1995. She later married Prince Charles in 2005 and have been together ever since. 

Charles also tested positive for COVID-19, but after seven days in self-isolation has recovered and even filmed an inspirational video message for the public. Camilla remains in isolation after being exposed, but has not tested positive.