Amy Schumer and Emily Ratajkowski Detained at Brett Kavanaugh Protest

Amy Schumer Emily Ratajkowski
Paul Morigi/WireImage

The actresses were among the crowd protesting Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday.

Amy Schumer and Emily Ratajkowski are standing up for what they believe in.

The actresses were among many activists detained by police at a protest against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday. Schumer and Ratajkowski were photographed and caught on video as they chanted in protest and were ultimately escorted out of the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. In one clip, an officer is seen asking protesters if they want to be arrested, to which Schumer replies, "Yes."

Another video, which has gone viral on Twitter, shows Schumer sending a message to a fan whose mother is protesting alongside her. "Hi Zola," the actress says to the camera. "I'm here with your mom, she loves you very much. I think we're gonna get arrested. We're so proud of you!"

Ratajkowski later posted about the arrest on her Instagram page, sharing a photo of her at the protest carrying a sign which read, "Respect female existence or expect our resistance."

"Today I was arrested protesting the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, a man who has been accused by multiple women of sexual assault," the actress and model captioned the pic. "Men who hurt women can no longer be placed in positions of power. Kavanaugh’s confirmation as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States is a message to women in this country that they do not matter. I demand a government that acknowledges, respects and supports women as much as it does men."

Schumer also posted photos from the protest later in the day, sharing shots of her and Ratajkowski, and emphasizing her custom jacket, which read, "First today, then #ERA."

Earlier in the day, the actresses protested alongside Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand outside the "Emily and I just wanted to thank you all so much for showing up today," Schumer told the crowd. "That's what we're gonna do, we're gonna keep showing up, and no matter how this goes, they can not keep us down. We will win."

Schumer, who is related to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, previously posted details about the planned protest on her Instagram page, writing, "Let's march."

"We need to stand up. I want to encourage anyone and everyone to get active if it’s with a post or a march or a donation," she wrote in another post. "This is not a drill. Show up in DC tomorrow and Friday. Show up for your sister and daughters and mothers. Show up! We will keep fighting. We see you Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and everyone else who told the truth no matter what happens we thank you we love you we are you."

See more about Schumer's political activism in the video below.